Cullen x Reader Secrets that are worth friends knowing

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I wrote this at school so here we go.

Y/n Pov,

Where is that dwarf Varric? I have to tell him something regarding why I've been absent lately." I say to myself in a hushed tone as I search through Skyhold.

I turn the corner and I see him leaning on a wall talking to his old friend Hawke talking about the Wardens. I lean up against the wall waiting for Varric to finish his conversation. After about three minutes, I see Varric walking over to me and he ushers me to his usual spot in the Fort.

"So, care to tell me why you've been absent all this time? You've been gone so there hasn't been an Inquisitor doing their job." Varric said as he crossed his arms with the look of being unimpressed.

"I have been sorta been avoiding being around here..." I shyly whisper as I lean on the table that he does his writing at.

"Is it the stress of Corypheus and being the Inquisitor?" Varric questioned.

"No..." I mumbled.

"Solas I'm guessing because he's such a jerk." He suggested as he sees Solas walking by with a judging look on his face.

"No, it's not about him either. But it is a person." I confessed in a hushed tone.

"Now we're getting somewhere. Just tell me or I'm not letting you go anywhere." Varric cheered as he rubbed his hands together.

"I knew I should have gone to Dorian about this. I can't tell you here because there are ears everywhere." I squeaked.

"Oh no, Y/n. You're telling me right here." Varric barked as I sat down at the table and avoided his gaze. I saw his hands moving but I paid no attention.

"Oh look, I hear someone calling me. I gotta go and meet the person." I lied as I make my way out of the chair.

"Not so fast. You're not getting off the hook that easy." He demanded as he rushed to put me back in my chair.

"Rude much?"

"Now back to the matter at hand or else I'll shout what I think it's about." He taunted with a sly grin.

"Fine, I've been avoiding... I have been avoiding... C-"

"Cole? I knew it."

"Yes... that's exactly who it is."

"Wrong answer. Ok... Can I have everybody's attention? I need to tell you all something because someone is too scared to tell me. Y/n likes-" Varric shouted as he got on top of the table.

At that moment I jump on top of the table and cup my hand over the Dwarf's mouth to shut him up. Varric just smirks at me as I was covering his mouth.

"Fine Varric, I've been avoiding Cullen because I like him. Is that better Varric?" I confess as I look down in defeat.

I turn around so I could hide in my room but I am face to face with Cullen. I wave a hello then try to dart to my quarters but Varric stopped me. Cullen glared at Varric and Varric lets go of my sleeve. I turn around and give Varric a glare. Varric just smirks then he walks away leaving me with Cullen. I could still see Varric around a corner and he was still in earshot. I flick off Varric before Cullen gestures me to his war table in his room.

"So nice weather we're having today aren't we?" Cullen shyly said with a slight blush in his face.

"Yes, it sure is. Too bad it's going to be raining soon but oh well I love the rain anyway. So why am I here?" I muttered as I avoid Cullen's eye contact.

"Um, I heard what you told Varric. Though I want to hear you say it from you saying it to me. I also would like your eye contact when you tell me." Cullen said shyly with a barely visible blush on his face.

"Fine Cullen, I like you and not in a friendly way. I like you more than that. I don't know if you feel the same way but if you do then I-" I said in a quiet voice but enough to where he could hear me. Cullen cut me off.

"*pulls away* You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I like you too Y/n and I hope this is the start of something between us." Cullen sweetly muttered in my ear.

"Commander! Oh uhh, I'll come around later sorry Commander." The guard named Jim said as he was about to walk out. (I was Pinterest and I saw this thing on it with everyone calling the soldier that interrupted Cullen and the Inquisitor's moment).

"Don't worry... uhh... Jim? I was about to go anyway." I said as I walk out the door but I was pulled back.

"It's ok soldier but knock first next time," Cullen muttered with a very visible blush on his face.

Jim walks back outside with the latest news about the War's Commander. I just laugh it off but Cullen was embarrassed by the soldier's interruption.

"Oh by the Maker, my soldiers are not going to let me hear the end of this when Jim tells them," Cullen muttered under his breath as he was rubbing his temples. "Now Inquisitor, I didn't dismiss you all though you are technically in charge of me. Don't go around saying that any of this happened, please. I need to keep my reputation and I can't show my weakness around my soldiers and especially Leliana and Josephine. They would never let me live that down especially."

"Don't worry, if anyone teases you or anything. I'll take care of it so you won't have to get your hands dirty." I said as I walk out of his room and out the door.

I see Dorian and Varric whispering to each other and muttering that they are glad that they installed a small window so they could see what happened. As I walked closer to them I see them turn inside Skyhold.

"No, both of you come right here or better yet go to my quarters so we can talk privately," I shouted as I saw the two run around Skyhold in a fit of laughter.

They finally go to the door to my quarters with me waiting there with my arms crossed. The first thing that I was asked was if I enjoyed the kiss.

"So Inquisitor? Were his lips soft and did you enjoy it? When is the wedding? Are two together or what?" Dorian and Varric shouted as I was pacing my room.

"Um, do I have to answer all those questions? I guess his lips were soft... maybe I enjoyed it. There is no wedding that is going to happen or at least- Oh hi Cullen..." I shouted then muttered when Cullen walked in.

"Oh look it's the Inquisitor's Cully Wully," Dorian whispered in Varric's ear.

"Be mature you two. So Cullen what are you doing here?"

"Oh right, we have more information about Corypheus and his whereabouts. Um good-bye, Y/n see you in the War room when you're ready.

"Right the war room... That's totally what he means Y/n. Admit it you're head over heels for the War General. I bet you would- mmhhmm."

"Shut it Dorian remember you're in my room and I have weapons in here for grand torture. So watch your words. At least wait until he leaves the room not when he is barely down my stairs." I shouted as I saw Cullen's head pop up then disappear down the stairs with feet stomping on the wooden flooring.

"Wow, I never knew someone could get that red from blushing and yelling?" Varric said as he scooted farther away from me.

I look at Dorian and Varric then let them leave as long as they promised that they wouldn't tell a soul about Cullen and me.

Dragon Age Inquisition Inquisitor One Shots x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now