09 ┃ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Taehyung, nursing a small knot on his head—a memento from the night's misadventures—found himself seated on the plush couch of their shared living space.

The room, usually filled with the sounds of laughter and music, now echoed with a different kind of energy. Yoongi and Jungkook sat on either side of him, their emotions a mixture of subdued amusement and apprehension. However, Jin was the one commanding their attention, pacing in front of them with an air of frustration.

"Out without security, without so much as a word to anyone." With a disappointed tone, Jin paused in front of them, placing his hands on his hips. "You realize how lucky you are that it was just a minor scuffle and not a full-blown saesang attack?" His keen, piercing stare swept across them, serving as a silent reminder of the risks they faced daily.

The room fell into a somber silence as the weight of Jin's words settled over them. It was a rare moment of reflection among the members, a pause in their usually carefree routine that underscored the unpredictable nature of their lives in the spotlight.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel the sting of Jin's words as his scolding went on. Yes, they had been reckless, driven by the thrill of anonymity and the freedom it promised, even if only just for a night. But the consequences, as Jin so clearly pointed out, could have been serious.

It was in this moment of silence that Taehyung's mind wandered back to the woman from the club—the one who had so desperately claimed his—or, more accurately, Yoongi's hoodie.

"Hyung," he hesitantly interjected, drawing the room's attention. "Actually, about last night... the woman, she... she was upset about Yoongi hyung's jacket I was wearing. She thought it was hers."

Yoongi, who had been quietly nursing his own ego with a cup of coffee, looked up with a snort. "That's not my jacket, Tae. Where did you even get it from?"

Taehyung glanced at Yoongi, a bit puzzled. "Namjoon hyung brought it over with the other gifts we received."

Namjoon, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up, slightly startled. "Oh, that? I was told that it was left at the table and thought it might be one of ours. My bad."

Jin squeezed the bridge of his nose and let out a loud sigh, taking advantage of the brief silence. "You mean to tell me this whole mess started over a misunderstanding about a hoodie?"

Taehyung nodded, clearly noting how ridiculous the situation was. "Yeah, but she seemed really attached to it. Said it was a gift from her brother or something."

Jimin chuckled from his spot on the floor, "Only Tae could end up in a club fight over a hoodie."

Jungkook shook his head, the corners of his mouth twitching upward. "So, what now? You can't just keep someone's cherished hoodie."

Taehyung leaned back, the dilemma gnawing at him. The woman's tearful accusation and the firm hold she had on the fabric replayed in the back of his mind. "I don't know, but I feel bad. She looked really sad about it."

Hoseok, ever the voice of reason, chimed in. "Well, we should try to return it, right? It's the right thing to do."

Taehyung, feeling the weight of the situation, was momentarily halted by Jimin's warning. "Be careful. If they find out it's not ours, especially after what happened, they might just toss it. You know how things are."

The concern was valid. Taehyung's brow furrowed as he considered his options. The last thing he wanted was for the hoodie— clearly precious to someone—to end up forgotten or, worse, thrown away.

With Jimin's words echoing in his mind, he made a decision. Pulling out his phone, Taehyung dialed his manager, his fingers tapping nervously on the device as he awaited the answer.

"Hey, I was just wondering," Taehyung began, his voice carefully neutral, "is it possible for a volunteer to contact the venue if they lost something there?"

The manager, on the other end, hesitated, the silence stretching between them. "Taehyung-nim, what's this about? Is there something you want to ask me?"

"No, no, no, I'm good," Taehyung quickly reassured, attempting to mask his growing anxiety with a chuckle. "Just thinking out loud, got curious."

With a promise to keep the issue hypothetical, Taehyung ended the call, his mind racing. The conversation had only added to his determination to do the right thing without causing a stir. He knew too well how quickly things could spiral out of control with their fanbase and the ever-watchful eyes of the media on them.

Jimin watched him, an understanding smile creeping up. "What's the plan then?" he inquired, knowing Taehyung well enough to recognize the wheels turning in his head.

Taehyung sighed, a plan slowly forming. "I'll have to be discreet. Maybe I can get some help without involving too many people. We can't let this turn into a huge thing."

After hearing what was said, the other members nodded in agreement. They all understood the delicate line that stood between their personal lives and the public touches that connected them to their fans.

For the next few hours, well into the night, Taehyung devised a plan on how to go about it.

That morning, Taehyung entered HYBE headquarters with a purpose, the crisp air doing little to dampen his spirits. The plan he had concocted with Jimin's help was a good one, or so he thought. It was simple, yet clever, calling for a mix of charm and a bit of sneaky maneuvering—a challenge Taehyung was more than ready to tackle.

The bustling lobby was a familiar sight, yet today it felt different, as if he was on a secret mission. Dodging trainees and staff with practiced ease, he made his way to the inner sanctums of the building.

Taehyung's first stop was unmistakably strategic—Bang PD-nim's personal assistant's office. He strode confidently through the building's corridors, his steps guided by a mission that was both urgent and personal. As he approached the office, he prepared himself for the interaction that awaited.

The office—bathed in the soft glow of morning light coming through the blinds—was a quiet piece of heaven amidst the bustling heart of the entertainment company.

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