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Jimin arrives in my office, exactly at 2. He's just as eager to begin the mission as I am. He greets me with a smile and a carton of shrimp fried rice and a drink. He smiles wider, handing me the food. "I noticed you didn't leave for lunch, so I brought you some back."

"Thank you so much, Jimin." I smile, reaching over my desk to grab the food and motion for him to sit. "Want some?"

He shakes his head. "I had more than enough while I was out."

I just nod, wasting no time digging into my food. I spent all of my time making a list of preparations for the mission this weekend. I look towards him, swallowing quickly before before speaking. "Do you have anything on Choi so far?"

Jimin sits up straight, his beautiful smile and bright eyes replaced by a straight line and eyes ready for vengeance. "He fled from Seoul 8 months ago. As far as anyone knows, he's dead. But because of what we know and who we know, we're fortunate to take him out ourselves and make sure he's actually dead."

"So, he is a wanted man by the authorities, right?"

Jimin shakes his head slowly. "They don't know it was him that did it. They assume it was the colleague that did."

I shake my head, the authorities here doing a very shitty job. "That's fucked up."

"He's definitely using that to his advantage, although a few people know it was him and not the person that died. So he's incognito."

"He's in a disguise?"

"Yeah." Jimin pulls out documents and pictures from the bag he was carrying on his side. He takes a picture from his stack of files and slides it across my desk to me. "Facial hair. Instead of his graying hair, he keeps it dyed a fresh jet black. Long down his shoulders, as well. Always seen in sunglasses, no matter the time of day. First name is the same, but his surname is an alias."

"And what's his alias?" I ask, still stuffing my face.


"Typical, lack of originality. Too common, but so be it. Anything else?"

Jimin looks through the papers in his hand, humming. "Every time he goes into the club, he asks for one stripper in particular."

"Oh?" I sip my drink, my eyebrow lifted in interest. "Name on her?"

"She goes by Paradise. Still don't have a full name on her yet. I'm sure I can get it, though."

I nod, pushing my food to the side momentarily to open a new document and type everything Jimin has told me. My goal right now is to find Paradise.

"She works every Saturday. He arrives at 9pm, she meets him at 9:30, they go into the VIP single room, and they don't come back out until a quarter to midnight." Jimin informs.

"What, are they back there fucking?" I scoff.

Jimin chuckles. "I'd assume so."

"I wanna find Paradise. Now."

"What are you thinking?" Jimin leans in, licking his plump lips.

I save the document on my computer, clasping my fingers together and looking at the pretty man sitting across from me. "I was going to say let's go to Busan Friday so that we had time during this week to rest and fully prepare, but now knowing that there's someone who could potentially help us has my plans looking slightly different. We need to see if she knows anything, and if she can get us closer to Choi."

"I'm following." Jimin says, showing his attentiveness. "When do you wanna go?"

"How's tomorrow?" I throw out there. "I'm sorry it's so soon. But we need to know everything. And she could be vital. We can just rest tomorrow if need be, then get on with the plan."

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