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Yoongi left for his business trip late last night, after some bomb ass goodbye sex. He's always on the road with his job and, of course, so am I with my job. We cherish all the time we get together. In more ways than one.

As I walk into my hotel room, Jimin is following behind me insisting that he carried my suitcase in. He's such a gentleman. I collapse on the bed, sighing. That was a long drive and we're both exhausted.

"Thank you, Jimin."

"My pleasure." He shuffles around and I can't see, but I'm assuming he's placing my suitcase somewhere. "I'll be in room 613 if you need me. Just 3 rooms down. Meet at 5 for dinner?"

I sit up, nodding at the man who's standing about 3 feet away from me. "Sounds good. I'm gonna get a nap in."

Jimin leaves my room, lightly closing the door behind him. I know I'm tired, but I want to jump straight to it and get this show on the road. Hell, if I could catch this bastard on the street today, I'd finish him off easy. But it's not that simple. I need to get more on Choi, reel him in. I put my anxiousness to the side to get some rest instead. It's 10:30am.

When I open my eyes, I stretch and roll over in bed, the alarm clock on the nightstand reading 3:57pm. I'm feeling refreshed enough to get up and get in the shower. Jimin should be coming within the next hour for us to go eat. This is his hometown, so he'll know where to get food.

I clean my body well, brush my teeth, and put on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. My hair is still in braids, so I just oil my scalp to keep it from drying out. When I look back at the clock, it's 4:40.

I look through the plans for the next few days as I wait on Jimin. The priority for the first couple days is to find the stripper, Paradise. I know she'll be a vital key for me to get my hands on Choi. My hope is that she cooperate with me.

There's a knock on my door, and I open it. Jimin is standing there with food already in his hands. I open the door wider and allowed him to come in. He's a bit silent with a very serious expression, not like his usual smiling self.

"Change of dinner plans." He finally speaks, opening the bag of food and pulling them out to set them on the desk in the room. "I hope you don't mind."

I shake my head. "Not at all. What's going on?"

"We've got a hit on Paradise." My eyes widen and I take a seat on the bed to let him continue. "Our source got me a name. Chan Raina. She's Chinese, studying abroad for school but working at the strip club for extra money. Goes to the university here not too far from here.  She works today, so that's just our luck."

"Perfect. We eat and we go  to the club."

"How do we wanna do this?"

I take a minute, looking through the food while thinking. "We request her specifically. Get your guy to reserve her for us."

"Okay." Jimin gets on his phone, calling up the person providing him information. "Hey, it's me. We want Paradise. Is there anything we need to do with requesting her? ... We need to get her before anyone else. ... 50 for an appointment? Consider it done. ... Okay, yeah. Perfect. Thank you, man."

"We good to go?" I ask, digging into the rice carton in front of me.

Jimin's smile returns and he nods. "Yeah, we have her at 9."

"Excellent. You're the man, Jimin." I praise him. "Then I'll make myself look more appropriate."

Jimin chuckles, shaking his head. "You look fine. Me, on the other hand, I could use a long shower."


I rub my lips together, spreading the peach scented gloss all over. Jimin extends his arm and I loop mine onto it. We walk into the strip club, the scene dark and sultry with shades of purple and red everywhere. The music is loud and there are basically naked women all over the stage. We walk in a little deeper, seeing how much money these people are throwing on stage for these women. I'm in awe. No wonder Raina decided to strip.

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