Life with Them

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Enjoy 💕

Rayne's pov

Me and the girls decided to have a night out. Seeing as the sleep over didn't go as planned.

Making it to this bar lounge place, we decided to go outside. Realizing they have a balcony section.

Walking upstairs, we walked into the room. Seeing that it was less crowded. Walking past different tables, as we follow the host to our table.

After having a debate on who sits where, don't judge us now. It has a beautiful view from the balcony.

Sipping on our drinks, we enjoyed the gentle breeze. It wasn't too cold or too hot; it was perfect.

I was closing my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I slowly let it out, feeling peaceful. I felt so relaxed, being with the people I care about.

These people I call friends are my family. No matter what struggles, I go through. I know in a heartbeat they would do anything for me.

"I'm guessing you're happy we got out of the house?" Zoning out a little, I snapped back into reality.

"Yeah, it's been a nice night," I said. Opening my eyes looking at them. Grabbing their hands, " No joke, I thank y'all for everything." Holding onto their hand for a while.

Letting their hand go and leaning back in my chair.

"Girl shut the hell up." Bj said, from behind. Laughing with Carter, as Jocelyn tells her ugly behind boyfriend to shut up.

Turning around to lightly smack him, moving in time for me to hit Dante instead.

"Find u sum safe to do, cauz that hurt ma. " Rubbing his arms. Ignoring him as I turn back to the table.

Deciding to put me in a headlock, before I could protest. "Sir, if you mess up my hair, you can say goodbye to having kids." Not bothered by the headlock, seeing as it didn't hurt. But, by the fact it took me hours to get my hair, the way I wanted.

"I can't believe we all stick together this long. I can honestly say I'll ride or die for you all." Jocelyn says. She was looking in her purse for something.

Pulling her phone out, "Let's take some pictures." "Of course, after this heartfelt conversation, you wanna take pictures." Shaking my head, not surprised.

"I know one of y'all have a GPS on us," I said. Finally getting Dante to let go, as he helps my fix my hair. I was crossing my arms, wondering why they came up here.

"Shut up, dummy. None of y'all that important." Marcus says. Pulling out a seat and bringing it to the table, we were at.

Deciding he wasn't done, he continued to talk. "I mean, dang, y'all some cocky behind girls. Do you see me going around acting like that?" " Yes, ever since I met you."

"It was a rhetorical question. Dang man. No one talks to me, I'm wasting my breath on this group." Pulling out his phone, responding to some messages.

"Whatever. I don't know why you were talking like we wanted to hear from you. Talking about no one talk to you. So, who you hurting hoe?" Sydney said.

"Thank you," Dante's friend Veronica said.

"Aye, take our pictures." Handing the phone to Jason, one of Dante's friend. Who obviously has a crush on my sis, Sydney.

"I don't wanna take it; I wanna be in it."Giving her phone to the next person. "What, no? I wanna be near my girl." "Same" Dante said.

Pulling me out my seat for him to,sit in it, before pulling me into his lap. Nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Fine." Looking around, I saw a girl with some friends. Hoping I wasn't disturbing what they were doing.

Taking the phone and getting off Dante's lap. I walk up to a girl.

"Hey, excuse me. Can you take a photo of my friends and me? If it's not a bother." Pointing out table, as everyone looked like they were in a heated discussion.

Not them embarrassing me in public, I thought.

"Yeah, I'll do it. No problem" Let me tell you, she was gorgeous. She had this tannish skin with this short white dress, brunette hair, and the prettiest green eyes ever.

"Thanks. You look great. My name is Rayne. What your name?"

" Liz. Thank you. You look outstanding. Nice to meet you, Rayne." Walking here over to my group.

"Come on, y'all. This is Liz, and she will be taking our photo. " You would think it would be easy to take a picture.

But no. The boys wanna make things so complicated. Trying to figure out where to stand. "No, man. I don't wanna be right here." "Aye, why you touching her? I will kill you, keep playing with me."

"I'm sorry." Apologizing to Liz. "You good. I'm used to it with my friends." Laughing at us, patiently waiting for us to figure it out.

Finally getting where we wanted, which was Veronica, Jason by Sydney, next to them stood Garrett and Marcus. Jocelyn next to Carter, with me in the middle of Bj and Dante.

"Alright, here you go." Grabbing the phone back, I look through the photos. "We all look outstanding together."

"Umm, Rayne, you not the only one who wanna look at the photo." One of them said. These impatient people, I thought. I should just walk away with the phone, sending the pictures to myself.

"Here you go." Handing the phone to Carter, since he was near Jocelyn.

"Thanks again for letting me take some of your time." Breaking away from my friends walking to her table. It was the nice thing to do, seeing as I stole her from her group.

"No problem. What your number? Maybe we can hang out?"

"Wow, your head over heels for me already?" I say, as we both started laughing.

"I mean, who wouldn't be. If only I went that way." Handing me her phone for me to put my number in.

Taking a photo to put with it. I had to admire it at first, because I look great.

"Dang, look at this photo. Let me introduce you to my friends."

" Sorry for stealing your friend. I came to bring her safe and sound."

Talking to her table of friends.

"Well, thank you...." waiting for my name, "Rayne." "Thank you, Rayne wouldn't want no one to take her."

"I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." Doing a fake crying face. "Well, everyone this Rayne. Rayne, this is Megan." The girl I just was joking around with. "Kaylee, Monica, Dasia and Airi."

"Nice to meet all of you. Hopefully, we can all hang out sometime. And I'll introduce y'all to my crazy friends."

"Yeah, that would be nice, maybe when we come back in town. We're from Tennessee came for vacation." Monica replied.

"Oh, Gotcha. Just let me know when you're back in town." Giving them a wave, walking back to see everyone sitting at the table.

"I see you met some new friends. Why didn't you introduce us?" Marcus said. Playing cards with everyone.

Lifting his head, making eye contact. Shrugging my shoulders, I sat on Jocelyn's lap, looking at her cards.

"You realize you were going to win," I whispered. "Yeah, I want to give them hope."

"I knew I became your friend for a reason." Watching the game unfold in front of me.


I Excite Him (Republishing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora