This Can't Be Real

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Dante pov

I was so hurt after talking to Rayne. I honestly didn't mean to hurt her. That was the furthest thing from my mind, I just wanted her safe.

You know? After leaving out the car I went inside the grab my keys to go clear my head.

"Ma, I'll be back. I have to go do something real quick for Alison." Making up a lie. So she wouldn't question me about leaving.

"Ok, stay safe. Hurry back bring Alison with you this time."

Giving her a quick hug before walking out. On my way back home, I got a call from my old dude Jonas.

"What's up?" Turning the radio down since it was blasting throughout the car.

"Nothing really man. It's been a long time since we met up." Agreeing with him I've been so busy these past years.

"Yeah, let's hang sometime whenever you back in town." Realizing that I don't know where I am going at this point.

"I'm in town now. Wanna swing by for a sec?" It has been a while since I last saw him. "Sure, where you at?" Telling me he at a hotel, telling me where its at, before hanging up.

Making it to the room he was at. Walking up the stairs to his room number, and for some reason. Something kept telling me to turn around and leave, brushing it off.

Doing my special knock before hearing the locks. Expecting to see Jonas I saw Isabella.

"What you here for?" Taken back for a second. Not having to respond before Jonas appeared at the door.

Doing the bro hug, before walking in. Not knowing what to expect I didn't expect to see so many people in here.

Greeting them before sitting down with Jonas. Turning on the Xbox playing so games, not having a care in the world. Looking down at my phone seeing 13 missed called from mom.

"Dang, man I got to go." Getting up. "Can't wait?" Isabella suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Nah, I got to go." Brushing by her saying goodbye to everyone. Heading out the door, walking to my car.

"Dante!" Turning to see Isabella running down the stairs, shaking my head.

"Can you please take me home?' Wanting to say no. But, knowing that my mom taught me better. "Hurry up." Opening the door sliding in. Hurrying up to the passenger door getting in.

"So, ho-"Turning the radio up, drowning her voice out.

Just because I was driving her home, doesn't mean I wanna talk to her.

Turning to look at her to see her texting someone, not caring, turning back to the road.

Pulling up to her house. Pulling into her driveway, because someone was behind me. Expecting the car to go pass me it didn't.

Instead, 4 cars blocked me into her driveway. Confused on why this was happening.

"Sorry, Dante." I hear Isabella say before getting out.

Cutting the car off I get out to see what the hell is happening.

With me getting out, they also got out the car. Standing with guns in their hands. At that moment all I could do was laugh. She really set me up, and I didn't have my phone on me.

The gun that I had on me wouldn't have helped either it was 20 of them against me.

It must mean that I'm really a big deal if they needed so many people. "I know your probably wondering why we're here." A girl stepped out into the front. "I don't give a shit why y'all are here. If yall gonna do something, do it. Trying to give me a dumb ass speech."

About to sit down this long behind thing. And that's when I heard something I would've never expected to hear. 

"How's my cousin Alison doing?" I hear Isabella say. I know I'm tripping.

"Cousin?" I say puzzled. In disbelief, knowing I told Alison about Isabella and she never mentioned they were related. 

"Surprise!" She says, jumping up and down. As I feel my body shake, this gotta be a sick joke. Running my hand through my hair, about to go off on her.

"What's even crazier, that baby not yours." Was the last thing I heard before I seen red. Before I felt myself lounge a this crazy bitch.

Hearing gunshots, as I felt a burst of pain exploded throughout my body.

Looking to see that they really shot me. Falling onto the ground, with my hands trying to hold the areas they shot. Hearing some cars in the distance, hearing my name being called.

Hearing multiple gunshots as I lay there looking at the sky. Praying that God doesn't let me go out like this.

"Dante, man it's me, Jonas. I got you, man, help me get him up. We gotta take him to the hospital." That's the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Rayne pov

After getting a call from Jonas about what had happened. I couldn't breathe I was shocked. Having to drive, because Alison wasn't stable enough too.

Dropping her off at the front, before finding a parking spot. Taking my time to get out of the car, not ready to accept that he was fighting for his life at this moment. Walking through the door, asking what room he was in.

"I'm sorry but you have to wait in the waiting room, ma'am." Nodding my head, walking to the waiting room.

Looking around there was so many people here for him. His family, My family, our friends, and unfamiliar faces.

Seeing Lisa sobbing into her husband's chest, while Joe whispers in her ear. My mom sitting next to her, with my dad, also crying.

Across from them was Jonas, Veronica, Jessica, and Nick. Veronica was trying to hold her tears, but it wasn't working. The guys looked like they were trying to be strong.

Jason was pacing back and forth, frustrated.

Sydney trying to get him to sit down, him declining his offer. Walking towards the empty seat beside her, sitting down. "It's gonna be ok. We all know Dante will get through this." Alison said. Surprised she can say a full sentence, seeing as she couldn't in the car.

Taking in her words, trying to process them. But, for some reason I didn't believe those words, nothing would stick in my head.

All my thoughts were going different places, moving a thousand miles per hour around my head. Feeling a hand on my back I realized it was Jocelyn.

GIving me a smile, not able to give her one back.

"The Harris Family."

Looking up to see a doctor watching his and my parents stand up. "How is he?' Joe asked.

"Honestly he's not doing great, he's in surgery. Seeing as he was shot multiple times, in different areas. It'll be true miracle if he's  able to ever walk again." Hearing sobs break out around me. 

As I take in what the Doc says. As everything around me goes black, before hearing someone yell my name. 


A/N: So, how do u feel about this chapter?

I was debating with myself on what I was going to do.

Have a wonderful day!

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