Don't check up on me

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Rayne pov

Lately, these days have been chaotic. It seems like theirs so much going on and I don't have a second to breathe. My boss called me in to tell me that I should be having more clients and that he expected more from me.

Well, isn't that just wonderful to hear, like I'm not trying?

My parents keep checking up on me asking when I'm going to show my face again. I told them every day when they call me on facetime. But, that also wasn't it, they also asked If I found someone yet. That I need to take a break and settle down.

I'm only 22, why do I need to rush? Shouldn't they be proud that I got a job, and that I'm doing something with my life?

I'm just taking my anger out on them, it's not their fault. I understand what they're saying, I want someone. The thing is, can I really balance my full-time job, with a relationship? That wouldn't be fair, for me not to devote my time to them.

It's not like I haven't tried before, and that ended up like crap.


It was cold that day, 39 degrees. I know that's probably not cold to some of you. But, when you're from South Carolina that's freezing.

Having on a nice heavy coat with some knee length boots, wanting to warm up. I decided to go to the coffee shop, they have the best tea. No, I don't go for coffee I really don't care for it.

Crossing the road, I walked up to the door. Saying thanks to the guy who held the door open. Instantly feeling the heat, I sigh in relief.

"Hey Rayne, Still not used to the weather?"

Shaking my head. Embracing her in a hug "Hey Mrs.V." Mrs. Victoria is the manager, she was a wonderful woman in her fifties. She had a husband and 2 daughters. She has an amazing family, you could how tight they all were.

Hugging me back before pulling back, "Your the only person I know who's not used to the weather." Laughing at me. Shaking my head, I order my usual.

A croissant and green tea. At first, I didn't care for green tea, but slowly it grew on me. I'm used to sweet tea, decided to try new things.

Getting in a booth although I know I don't need to. The booth is where you get the most heat, now I can feel my blood circulating again, I know I'm a mess.

Taking out a book from my purse, The Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews. No matter how many times I read this book series, I can't stop.

"Excuse me, Is someone sitting here?" Not paying the voice any attention, I continue to read. "Excuse me?" Debating if I should continue reading or pay them attention. "Do you see anyone sitting there?" Pointing to the seat across from me.

"My bad, I trying to find a way to talk to you." Saving the spot I was at, I closed the book, putting it back in my purse. "Well, your way didn't suck." Looking at the dude across from me.

He had the brown eyes, his skin was a nice little tan, not too much. HIs messy curly brown hair was great on him. HIs beard was growing in. He wasn't bad looking at all, but he looked really young.

"Look I'm gonna go ahead and ask I don't need to go to jail if your underage." Taking a bite out of my cold croissant.

"I don't blame you, I'm 23. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"22." Watching him nod his head, with a smile on his face, showing his straight white teeth.

"Well, My name is Dylan, yours is......?


Flashback over

We were together for a year before he called it quits. Saying that we didn't spend enough time together and that I was being selfish. Although I told him ahead of time that I was going to school to be a lawyer.

He told me he was going to become a cop. So, I knew who not to bring him around, I don't need to be the reason anyone goes to jail.

After the breakup, he called to check up on me. I told him it wasn't necessary to keep calling me. But, we decided to just be friends, and I was fine with that.

Today was the day I would be going back home. I did miss being home, Sydney and Jason convinced me, so well be flying back together.

Loading the last thing in my suitcase I headed downstairs. "Come on, the uber outside," Jason said. Grabbing the bags loading them up.

Heading to the airport we boarded the plane. Thankful that we all got to sit with each other, deciding to go to sleep. Getting comfortable laying my head on Sydney's shoulder. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Hearing someone calling my name. Stretching opening my eyes, to see that we landed. Grabbing my things we headed off the plane, going to get our suitcases.

"Who's picking us up?" Grabbing my bag when it came by. "Marcus." Moving to sit down, I see his car pull up.

Getting out the car "Hey, it's been a long time." Giving me a hug, squeezing the life out of me. "I can't breathe." Hitting his back hard to make him stop squeezing me.

Letting go of me patting my head, while I try to fill my lungs with air. Hopping into the car we head off to my parents' house.

Pulling into the driveway I see that mom planted a garden. Getting out I head directly in the house. "Mom!Dad! I'm finally home!"

"In the kitchen!" Heading to the kitchen, I head for mom. "Hey mom, I missed you." Embracing her in a hug, not planning on letting go. Hearing laughter turning my head I see we have guests. "Oh, Hey." Turning back to my mom. "Girl if you don't speak to everyone." Huffing, I let her go.

"Hey old man." Giving my dad a hug.

"Hey, Mrs.Lisa and Mr. Joe." Giving them hug. Telling me to stop being so formal.

"Hey Dante, Alison." GIving them a wave.

'Rayne where you at?" Hearing Sydney scream from outside.

"Kitchen!" Taking a seat. Watching Sydney and Jason give everyone a hug.

"So are y'all ready for the reason I wanted all you here?" Mrs. Lisa asks, clapping her hands.

'Alison is pregnant and we all are helping with the baby shower!" Shocked not knowing what to say.

"Congratulations?" My voice squeaking.


A/N: What a chapter, I hoped you enjoyed. I wasn't planning on writing, but here you go. I decided to since it's really fun to update.

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Have a Wonderful day!

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