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I lean back on the sofa and run my hand completely through his hair. He catches my wrist and opens his eyes.
He says nothing, he just stares into my eyes in silence. He then uses his other hand to pull my head down as he leans up. He kisses my forehead and lies back down on my lap, locking fingers with mine in an attempt to stop me from stroking his hair. Not that I mind anyway.
I've missed him.


It's the next day and it's my first day on kitchen duty - let's hope I don't kill anyone.
I had to wake up at 5am so I could prepare breakfast for all of the scouts, all of them; I'm literally the only one here. It's not as if there's a lot of ingredients, there's just a lot of mouths to feed, and I don't think I'm capable enough to feed them. For breakfast we always get bread, potatoes, a piece of bacon and bean soup. We also get that for lunch, and dinner, providing there's enough meat. Erwin keeps it all for himself you see; cheeky bastard.

I start making the massive pot of bean soup and realise we have no salt but decide its too late to search for some as it's coming up to half 7 and scouts will be flooding the mess hall soon. I have to eat after everyone else because it's some kind of "health and safety" rule as Erwin described it to me when I was picking up my uniform yesterday evening. I went to collect it after Levi left. But that meant that I would always be the first to wake up, the last to eat and the last to sleep. Not that I particularly minded, I had a lot of free time because of it.

I finish up the bean soup and place everything on plates and then on trays. I leave the kitchen with each tray and place them on the big table at the front of the room, so people can easily pick them up when they walk in. I put cups on each tray and leave a pitcher of water and a teapot, along with some milk and sugar, on each table so people can help themselves before retreating into the kitchen just before people come in. It's too embarrassing to be seen by them, so I just eat my breakfast alone in the kitchen.

This continues throughout the day. I spent the most of my morning getting to know the tiny kitchen better and organising all the ingredients. Before I know it, I've made dinner and I'm sat on a little stool in the kitchen. Not doing anything all day is so boring and slow that all I feel like doing is closing my eyes and going to sleep.

"Oi," I hear a call. I open my eyes and see the figure of someone standing over me. I hadn't been sleeping for that long, less than 20 minutes maybe, but I was still slightly drowsy. I rub my eyes and realise it's Levi.

"Tch, sleeping on the job already, huh?"

"Huh? No," I scratch my head. "No, I just finished so..." I trail off.

"We need more tea on our table," Levi informs me.

"Oh, yeah, right on it," I say groggily.

I walk over to the cupboards and start making tea while Levi patiently waits behind me. He must've noticed my tray of food because he asks me if I've eaten yet.

"No, I didn't feel hungry," I mutter.

"Have you eaten at all today?" he questions me.

"Yeah, this is the only meal I've missed. Why are you interrogating me," I frown, still focusing on the tea.

"I'm not, brat," he retorts.

"Why the brat? I've done nothing wrong," I scoff.

"I never said you did," he says curtly, annoying me more.

"Then why do you sound pissed?" I query.

"I'm not, I'm just waiting for my fucking tea," he says, getting very agitated.

I decide to not talk and just focus on the tea because talking would make me and Levi angrier than we already are.

"Why aren't you replying to me?"

"Because I'm making your fucking tea," I say passive aggressively. I pour the brewed tea into the teapot and suddenly feel arms around my waist. I almost drop the kettle but regained my balance.

"Levi what-" I get cut off by Levi placing his head on my shoulder.

"Shut up," he mumbles.

"Oh," I hum.

As we linger there Levi tightens his arms slightly and I lean my head onto his. The warmth of his body comforts me and our out of sync heartbeats start pounding together.

"The tea will get cold..." I whisper.

"I don't mind," he mutters in reply and I smile. "The food was good," he adds.

"Oh? I thought it was shit," I chuckle.

"Well it always is, but for some reason it tasted better knowing you did it." I turn around in his arms and wrap mine around his neck.

"Awwww, Levi! You're so cute," I tease him.

"Tch, no I'm not, brat," he blushes slightly while holding his unamused face but looking over to the side.

I place my hand on his cheek and turn his head to look at me. I lean up and go to kiss him, but the only thing I feel on my lips is his hot breath, because someone shouts for Levi from outside the kitchen.

We break apart from each other awkwardly and he scratches his head, takes the teapot and mutters a light thank you before he leaves. I stand there out of breath before pulling myself together and eating my dinner alone.



lia x

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