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"I guess that will do for now," he mutters, slightly out of breath.
He looks gorgeous, messy hair, wet lips and wandering eyes...

Wait what? FoR nOW?


It's been two weeks since I hit my head, and I am supposed to go back to the med centre for a check up to see how my concussion is.
It's lunch time and I try to finish lunch as quickly as I can, which is difficult because of the military police, but I manage somewhat fast. I rush in and out of the kitchen, placing the trays at the front of the mess hall like I always do, when Levi walks in early.

"Why are you in such a rush?" he notices, watching me jog back and forth as if he's watching a tennis match.

"I have to go to the med centre in a minute," I say as I place the next two trays on the table whilst blowing the hair out of my face.

"Why?" I can almost hear the frown on his face.

"It's been two weeks since my concussion, so I have to go for a check-up," I reply once I emerge from the kitchen with two teapots for the tables.

"What the fuck? You got a concussion and you didn't tell me?"

I look over at Levi and take a break from scurrying back and forth. "Yeah, did I not tell you," I huff, slightly out of breath.

"No," he folds his arms and narrows his eyes, still standing next to the door.

"Oh, sorry. My head's been all over the place. Literally," I explain before starting towards the kitchen again.

"Why don't you tell me how this happened, huh, brat?" he leans back on the wall, his tone of voice unwavering.

"There's not much to say," I reply whilst carrying over another teapot.
I place the teapot on the table by stretching over the benches and I step back, bumping into the table behind me. My dizziness increases, and I fall down, using my right arm as protection. I take a sharp intake of breath and pull myself up to a sitting position just around the same time Levi makes it over to me.

"Tch, you're such an idiot," he mutters while gently picking up my right arm and looking down the side of it to see a massive scrape all the way down my forearm. His harsh words contrast his gentle touch and I look up at his face.
His eyes are cast in shadow because of his hair and his forehead is slightly creased into a frown.

"Now you have another reason to go to the med centre," he sighs, looking me in the eyes.

"I have to finish my work first-"

"No, I'll do it," he mumbles, cutting me off.

I smile at his kind gesture, one which seems small and meaningless, but actually means a lot to Levi.

"It's funny how most of the time you show that you care, and other times you act so indifferent. I haven't forgotten that you cried when you thought I died," I giggle.

"Watery eyes don't equate to crying, brat," he scratches his head.

"Uh huh," I tease.

"Tch, go to the med centre, brat," he stands up and starts walking towards the kitchen.

"Okay, brat, will do," I chuckle before getting up and leaving the mess hall.


I quickly make my way to the med centre and I'm greeted by Jean as soon as I walk through the door.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaims.

"Jean. Why are you always here?" I sigh whilst holding my arm.

"Levi just goes too hard on me all the time," he whines.

"You might wanna rephrase that," I nod at him, passing by him to knock on the office door.

A man in a white coat promptly opens the door.

"(Y/N), I thought you might've forgotten our appointment," Steve, the new head of the med centre, greets me.

Steve stands at an average 5'8" and is starting to go grey. He lets me in and limps slightly while he walks. I think nothing of it and show him my arm before he examines my head.

"Oh wow, how did you do that? I didn't think kitchen staff would be doing enough exercise to warrant a gash like that," he exclaims whilst shuffling through draws to retrieve bandages and anti-septic treatments.

"Trust me, making bean soup three times a day id enough exercise for a lifetime," I somewhat joke.

He laughs warmly and starts to bandage up my arm. "I suppose so, yes. One must be very diligent to continue those tasks every single day by one's self."

"It's alright most of the time," I shrug, and he makes a hum to show that he's acknowledged me.

He finishes up my arm pretty swiftly and cautiously before going to check my head.

"Everything looks alright on the outside, what's your cognitive function like?" he questions me as he goes to lean on the front of his desk, gesturing me to sit on the sofa.

Shit, I missed this sofa.

"Um, well I've been dizzy, but not substantially, so that's pretty normal. Besides from today, I haven't fallen over, and no one has thought I've been acting strange, either," I explain.

"Well, that's fantastic!" he claps. "If anything out of the ordinary happens, come and see me, but otherwise I think you're all set. Your stitches will fall out naturally, so unless you have anything to worry about, this will be the last time we see each other."

"Thank God," I sigh-laugh.

"Yes, God..." he trails off and frowns slightly before recomposing himself. "Anyways, you are free to go," he smiles at me.

"Thank you, Steve," I stand and shake his hand.

"No problem, (Y/N)."

And with that, I go back to work.


only 5 more parts left

lia x

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