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"...Maybe the three of us can have dinner together one night?...you could bring this important person with you...," she offers...

"Yeah," I grin. "Sounds good."


It's later in the evening and I'm standing at the gate along with many, many other people huddled into groups, waiting for the scouts to come home.
My hearts pounding and I'm beside myself with fear. I'm sure Levi will come back, but what about Petra or Connie? Or even Jean, Eren or Sasha? God knows Jean will be injured because... when is he not?

Suddenly theres a loud clank from the gate and everyone stops their separate conversations with a gasp, and turn towards the gate, eyes glistening with anticipation.
I clutch my hands at my heart and lean fowards, seeing as I arrived somewhat early so I could get a good view.

The gate climbs up and the first person I see is Hange Zoë riding front and centre, Mike Zacharias to her left and Levi to her right.
A lot of tension leaves my body as I see Levi but I continue to look around.

Petra is right behind Levi, Eren to her left, followed by Connie and Sasha right behind them.

But Jean and Erwin are no where in sight.

As soon as everyone gets through the gate, it slams shut and everyone halts. Hange's horse walks forward slowly, falling out of line with Levi and Mike, so she's at the very front.

"Attention everyone," she shouts with a stern expression on her face. Well, everyone looks stern. Everyone in the crowd is hanging on every word. "We lost five soldiers today who fought valiantly for our cause. One of our losses was, unfortunately, our own Commander, Erwin Smith."

Everyone gasps and whispers, including me.
I can't believe it. How could Erwin be dead? A commander would never have that little chance of survival...
I know we were never close but I would've liked to say goodbye, at least.

But only five casualties? That's pretty good considering the past body counts; but those five people still had families and friends. I just hope it was worth it today.

Hange continues to give a short report to the citizens and I take the opportunity to slip out of the crowd and walk toward HQ by myself.

I can't help but feel confused. Everyone I know, besides Jean, was right there and yet it doesn't feel right. Something must've happened for dad to have... gone, before more inexperienced cadets. He doesn't seem the type to save anyone or tackle a titan unless it was absolutely necessary. So what happened?
I reach up to my face and feel something wet.
Why am I crying for someone who treated me like filth?
But then again he did only take me off when I messed up, and he did stick to his word earlier even if he was slightly unfair later on...
I guess he wasn't that bad but I'll never get the chance to say anything to him.

I reached the end of the crowd a while ago but I kept walking. It's not as if I can go and run up to my friends right now anyways.

"Oi," I hear a male voice yell from behind me. I turn around and see a horse making it's way closer to me in trot. I look up and see Levi, staring at me, disbanded from the group. "Follow us, cadet (L/N). Try not to lag behind." He rides back into formation and I wipe my tears before joining.

Walking besides Petra, she tells me everything that happened.

Apparently they were going to lure the titans to the left while Erwin and four higher-ups ride to the right. Technically, it should have worked because the titans would've been more attracted to the big group to the left, than the right, and everyone on the right had killed a titan before and were definitely experienced enough. Apparently they didn't find out what had happened until they made their way back and saw the five on the floor, being tossed about by an abnormal who had crushed all their kneecaps so they couldn't've defended themselves as well - probably by accident. If titans were that smart, humanity would be doomed.
Either way, they managed to kill the abnormal pretty easily because they were in a bigger group. But the four scouts and Erwin were already gone...

Things are gonna change, huh..


Staring at the front door, I don't know how to act or how to feel. This door has always felt welcoming to me, but knowing someone who will be in my life for a while makes me hesitant. Is it usual to be nervous when you meet your mums fiancé for the first time? I mean, usually you would know them before they're engaged to your parent, but it's not unheard of.

I awkwardly knock 5 times and stand back, adjusting my hair and straightening my clothes. I stare dead at the handle on the wooden door in front of me waiting for any signs of movement while thinking about the two people inside.

What if I don't like them? What if they don't like me? What if I don't like the way they treat my mum?

While I'm absorbed in thought, the door opens and I'm greeted to a familiar face.

"Cadet (Y/N)?" the voice surprises me.

"Steve?! You're engaged to my mum?" I exclaim, shocked beyond belief.

"You're (Your mum's name (YMN)) daughter? My, I certainly didn't expect that!" he smiles at me, ushering me through the door.

We talk and laugh throughout dinner and before I know it, we're all finished and it's getting quite late. I also want to see Levi tonight, so I help Steve to wash dishes.

"How old are you, (Y/N)?" Steve asks me. We've created a system where he washes the dishes and I dry them.

"I'm 25," I reply, taking a cup out of his hand.

"Ah, I remember being your age. I was learning medicine at a college within wall Sina. God knows how I got in!" he chuckles.

"Wow, wall Sina, that's impressive."

"I think they accepted me due to my family conditions," I nods and bites the inside of his mouth, as if he's supressing feelings.

"What family conditions? If you don't mind me asking..." I trail off, feeling as if I over stepped the mark.

"No, no, ask away. Well, I'm an identical twin. I...was and identical twin. My brother and I lived with our mum, who was very sick. He would stay and take care of her while I went around and stole what I could to help eat or make money. He was innocent and caring while I was unforgiving and a criminal. It was terrible, but I was a teenager and I knew nothing better. I only wanted to help. One day I heard that someone had put a price on my head. I must've stolen goods from someone important, but God knows who. Anyways, I didn't care at first and went home. As soon as I walked through the door, heard my mother crying from the other room. She said she felt like her legs were crying out in pain and that she had run out of medicine. My brother had gone out to get some. He never went outside, though, so no one knew we were two different people..." he trails off and collects his thoughts before continuing. He stops washing a plate and stares straight down at the sink, as if remembering everything vividly. "I remember running through the rain towards the market place and seeing a small, young kid standing over a lifeless body with a butchers knife dangling from his hand, dripping in blood. Their blood spilling from their body mixed in with the rain on the cobbled street and flowed across my shoes, staining them in red. The kid walked away and I could see my brother's crumpled body on the ground, eyes lifeless and mouth open as if he was nothing more than collateral damage. There were two messy knife wounds in his back. The kid had killed him from behind like a coward. They killed him thinking it was me. My mother died shortly after because I had no idea how to look after her. I kept thinking that kid should've killed me instead, but life was cruel. I decided to study medicine so no one could die in my hands again."

We stood in silence. I didn't know how to reply, I couldn't imagine losing so much so quickly, but he managed to turn it around and help people. That's pretty admirable in itself.

We finished washing the dishes and I said goodbye to my mum and Steve before heading back to the scout HQ, eager to see Levi.


to that one person who thought yn's mum was gonna be engaged to Erwin-

lia x

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