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Today is Sunday and I wasn't planning on going to the hospital so I was watching the last season of Game of thrones with Ace and Bella by my side.

"Don't you have work today?" Adam asked leaning against the door frame.

I shook my head at him. He was wearing a maroon t-shirt with grey sweatpants.

He settled next to me casually making me scoot away. He noticed it and picked me up in a flash, settling me in between his legs. My back colliding with his chest.

"Adam, what are you doing?" I asked. My back tensing immediately.

He didn't reply but his hand slipped in my maroon silk shorts, sliding them down a bit. Goosebumps appeared on my skin. His hand drew soothing circles on my pelvic region, below my belly button and above my vagina.

I sighed loudly and leaned in his chest involuntarily, enjoying the calming effect he brought to my pain.

"Ace and Bella weren't with you when you came here first." he asked.

"Yeah, they were at the veterinary lab for their monthly check up." I reply.

"Your mother called." he said and I stilled.

I shot up and turned to face him. He was looking at me confusedly. He tugged my wrist causing me to land in his lap.

My hands now rested on his shoulder as he looked at me intently.

"What did she say?" I ask trying my best to mask my fear.

"She invited us to dinner today." he said making me gulp nervously.

Why can't she leave me alone.

"Okay." I replied meekly.

"Be ready by 6, yeah?" I nodded and he placed me back on the couch, standing up and leaving.

Ace and Bella hot on his heels which made him chuckle. He took them to the garden.

I was dreading tonight's dinner. Why can't she let me live in peace? Why?


The drive to the house was silent and we reached there by six thirty.

Adam was awfully quiet and I saw his tense posture as soon as we stepped in the house.

My mother hugged me, for show of course, and Adam.

I nodded at Dad who engulfed me in his embrace. I was stunned for a while. But then remembered that they have to present a loving, caring family so I played along.

"Where's Amelia?" I ask mother.

"Oh, she's sick. She wouldn't be able to join us today." she informed and I frowned.

"Okay." I muttered and we were lead straight to the dining room.

I don't know why but I didn't have a good feeling about this Dinner.

I brushed it off as my parents engaged in a formal talk with Adam who, by the looks on his face, seemed bored.

"So when are you guys going on your honeymoon?" mother asked in a taunting manner.

I smiled and looked at Adam who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Soon." my reply was short but seemed to shut her up.

We ate in silence and my father asked me to accompany me to his office which I, reluctantly, did.

"Sit." he spoke settling in his chair opposite to me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You came here a night before your engagement to talk to me about something." he raises a brow.

"Yeah, doesn't matter anymore." I give him a tight lipped smile.

"Are you happy there?" he asked and I swear I sensed nervousness in his voice.

"Yes." I clear my throat.

"You can tell me anything." he frowned.

"There's nothing to say." I reply.

"You.. Uh.. You guys didn't really seem, you know, happy. Let alone comfortable." he poured himself some whiskey.

"That's our personal problem." I say, suddenly feeling anxious.

"I apologise for my behaviour." he said, his head dropping shamefully.

"It's in the past." I was stunned but composed myself.

"It had to be done, Savannah. Your marriage. It was beneficial for expansion of our business." he informed and I nodded.

"I get it. Business matters." I said in a clipped tone.

"I hope you find it in yourself to forgive me one day." his eyes and voice both pleading.

"It's Alright. I forgive you, Frederick." he flinched at my use of his name.

It's not my fault he forbade me to call him dad.

I forgive him. I really do. It doesn't matter anymore.

"If you'll excuse me." I say getting up. He nods and smiles at me.

I should go and check on Amelia. I was about to knock on the slightly ajar door when I heard moans coming from inside.

A knot formed in my stomach and I peeked inside to see Amelia and Adam kissing?


My sister and my husband?

I couldn't wrap my head around it and tears gathered in my eyes.

I turned around quietly still trying to register the uneventful scene fully in my mind when someone pushed me causing me to fall down the stairs.

My heart almost leaped out of my chest, I couldn't bring myself to even make any sort of sound.

I fell with a loud thud, hitting my head on the floor. I turned just in time to see my mother smirking at me from the top of the stairs.

Black spots started clouding my vision but I blinked rapidly. I groaned in pain.

"Oh my God Ma'am. What happened to you?" the housemaid asked.

"Driver.. Nate's house. I.." I couldn't speak anymore but she seemed to catch on as she supported my body with the help of her daughter and they took me out.

The driver, George, rushed to my side and placed me inside the car.

"Take her to Nate's house." I heard Hailey say before I finally succumbed to the darkness.


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