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"My what?!" I shrieked.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" I asked looking at them incredulously.

This could not happen. They were lying. How could I have not known about it? Or Nate? Or anyone?

I walked up to her and shook her by the shoulders. She sobbed looking at me guiltily.

"Savannah, Nora is right. You ar-" Frederick started to speak when I cut him off with a glare.

"I did not ask you." I said sharply.

He seemed to be taken aback by my harsh words but I could care less at that moment. I only wanted to know the truth.

And I wanted to hear it from Nora, my supposed mother. If that made any sense.

"I am sorry, honey." she sobbed.

"I do not care who and what you are, answer the damn question!" I replied calmly.

"It is true." she whispered.

"We are your birth parents." Ben said quietly from beside her.

My whole world seemed to come to an abrupt stop when they confirmed it. Every single thing hit me like like a bullet, piercing through my heart. All the memories of my childhood, adulthood, marriage, abuse, flashed in front of my eyes as if it were the last time I will witness them.

"Nate heard when me and Nora were discussing about telling you the truth and believe me we were going to but he got mad and started throwing things. He was devastated no actually, devastation is an understatement. He looked miserable.. broken I-I do not why. And then he left." Ben told me looking at the ground in shame.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Yo-you had a twin sister but she died because of a hole in her heart when she was a year old. Frederick and I, you know, had been great friends. After Chase was born with some complications, your parents were told that they could not have another child. Frederick wished for a daughter so when you both were born, he asked me to let him adopt one of you and I did. I mean, there was no harm in it. You would still be a part of us, one way or another. Three years later, Amelia was born. She was a miracle of God-" I scoffed loudly at that statement. Maybe I was acting bitter, but it was my right. He gulped and licked his dry lips to speak again, "but your mother and I had only one condition. To never let you out of sight which included you staying in that house with them until marriage." he finished and looked at him.

"Nate was so furious and was looking at us as if we had made a mistake by giving you to them. I am sure th-" Nora was cut off by my humorless chuckle.

"Nate was furious." I whispered. "That was because you DID make a mistake." I spat at them bitterly.

They looked at me in shock trying to decipher what was I getting at. I took four steps back and now stood away from everybody's reach.

"I had a twin sister who I could not meet because she died young and I did not even know about it, an older brother-" I said and looked at Ashton who looked almost as broken as me. Almost. "and Nathaniel all this time while I was craving for a real family. Love. Care. Compassion." I continued quietly trying more to tell myself.

Anne came forth but I signaled her to stop with my hand. I did not want to be comforted. Not now. Not after all this time. Not when I could have been comforted all my life but I was with my 'adopted' parents bearing with their distant attitude, harsh words and an even harsher treatment. She sniffled and moved back to stand beside Adrian.

"You know why he was so furious?" I asked. "Because I could have had a normal life, a normal childhood and a normal family. I could have been happy and- NO!" I shouted when I saw Ben opening his mouth probably to ask questions but he flinched and shut his mouth. "Let me finish. I was happy with my parents, if that is what you can call them-" I looked at Frederick and Cassandra who suddenly seemed ashamed of their selves-"until after years when she was born" I pointed at Amelia who had fat tears in her eyes. "Now do not get me wrong here, I was never jealous of her and never will be. I was ecstatic to see my little angel. I had a sister to play with, to look after, to spill my secrets to and to grow up with as much affection as I could shower her with. But, exactly one week after she was brought home, they started treating me differently and gradually they started avoiding me as if I was a plague. Now I know why they saw me in a different light, I was adopted. Chase and I had always been extremely close to each other but he, just like everyone else, started avoiding me right after I turned twelve and Amelia, she was young and she was learning. Learning to hate me because her mother fed her with lies about me. I do not really know what she said to my siblings but it was nothing good. The first time I got hit was when I was six. I broke a vase." I paused smiled sadly at Anne who could not control her hiccups.

"I-I was abused mentally and physically for twenty years. Nobody was there for me except Nate and Anne. Nate was there when I got my first slap, first hug, first tears of frustration, first bruise, first belting and first everything. They were sorry excuse of parents. I pity everyone who have parents like them." I scoffed looking at them.

Tears flowed down their faces as they looked at me with apologetic eyes but I did not care anymore. Ben and Nora stood shocked with eyes and mouth wide open.

"My birthdays were not celebrated, my Christmas and new year was always spent alone hell they did not even attend my graduation. I kept asking why and today I finally got the answer but what changed?" I asked looking at my parents.

"We are sorry." Cassandra said ashamedly.

"Twenty years too late." I replied. 

"You know, this marriage we had," I gestured between me and Adam, who stood there with a pained expression covering his features, "was a business deal. Your daughter  was sold for a mere bucks." I spat looking at my birth parents.

Nora gasped as she looked at my parents accusingly while Ben stood frozen on his spot.

"Do not look at them like that. Like you did any better. You did not even care to check up on me once." I accused both of them.

"And you, have you no shame? Coming back after seven years and talking to me as if I was the one at fault? I was even kidnapped, none of you batted an eye." I yelled at Chase who could not even look me in the eye directly.

No one could.

"Forgive me." he pleaded.

I ignored him and looked at Amelia. It was time to confront her. A presence was felt beside me and I looked to my left to see Zach standing close to me now.

"Amelia, I do not care how many ever boyfriends you had in your past, including my husband, but explain the kiss you and he shared in your room after my marriage with him." I demanded.

Her face paled as she looked frantically between me and Adam whose gaze was fixed on the side of my head but I did not dare look at him yet.

"I-I am so-sorry." she cried.

I laughed bitterly and shook my head "Look at how this funeral has turned into a disaster." I muttered.

Zach placed his hand on my back and rubbed it to calm my nerves. 

"Do you love him?" I asked.

She opened her mouth and closed it without a sound and I turned my gaze to Adam who stood there with a clenched jaw.

"Do you love her?" I asked him the same question.

"Isa, you know I-how-why.. would I?" he stuttered.

"Because if you do, go ahead. Don't stop on my account." I shrugged.

His eyes flashed with anger and hurt but he masked it quickly.

"This was supposed to be my best friend's funeral not some life changing discovery day for me. But he always made me see what I could not and he did the same today just he is absent and will be, for good now." I wiped the tears that cascaded down my cheeks and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You guys are the worst parents I have ever come across in my life. BOTH OF YOU! I am not a toy to be tossed around like that!" I yelled.

"You killed him." I whispered looking at Ben and Nora.

"Savannah-" they started but I shook my head.

"Spare me the bullshit." I said and walked out of the house I once made my best memories in.

As soon as the evening air welcomed me, my dam broke and tears fell silently as I walked away towards no particular destination.

"Thank you, Nate. You will be in my heart always and forever." I whispered looking up at the sky.

Rain poured in that exact moment and my tears were now mixed with water. Everything felt heavier now.

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