Chapter 29

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Enjoy, my precious beans💜💜 It would mean a lot if you can tell me what you think.

A few days later.

Aurora's POV:

The next morning, I woke up to a phone call from Stella and Aylina, stating they want me to go shopping in the afternoon. Typically, I didn't want to go anywhere. My motivation is at an all time low and I feel no excitement what so ever.

Yet, I dragged myself into the shower careful not to wake up Tristan. It's a little early so I bet he's going to want to stay asleep. He was pretty tired last night. I slide off my nightgown then my panties and place them in the hamper that's in the corner. I then take my hair out of its bun and let it drape down my exposed skin, covering my entire back with the ends tickling my thigh. I should really trim it soon. It's been growing like crazy.

I turn the dials to the shower and get in, closing the fogged up glass behind me and testing the water's temperature. That should be fine. 

I stand under the shower and let the lukewarm water trickle down my skin, dropping my head back and massaging my scalp, letting the water into my hair.

"Mind if I join you?" I hear a low raspy voice hum behind me. I immediately let out a gasp, turning, hugging myself and backing up against the wall.


He gets in, shutting the door as I gulp, staring at him as I hide myself. "Hm, good morning, angel." He hums, letting his hand come to my face as he steps closer. Completely naked, may I add. He closes the door behind him and plasters his body against mine, giving me a grin as I furrow my brows and stare at him. His hair roughed up, his stubble unshaved, his dark eyes twinkling with lust and his bare chest on display. Well, his bare everything on display.

"Morning." I manage to say, as his eyes rake down my body and devour my naked frame.

"Relax." He mutters, his hands finding my thighs and and trail behind, getting a harsh grip on my butt as he moulds his lips with mine and pulls me in for a bruising dominating kiss, sliding his tongue and letting it play with mine.

I can feel his hard shaft pressing against my stomach, earning a whimper from me.

His hands leave my butt and slide down to my thigh, picking me up and wrapping my legs around him as he presses me against the wall. The coldness of it making me gasp.

Tristan doesn't go slow, he takes my hands and wraps them around his neck as he starts to kiss on my neck. I bite on my lower lip to prevent myself from moaning.

Minutes after sucking and nibbling on my skin, so much that it'll leave a bruise, I feel something at my entrance. "Ah." I flinch, raising myself a little bit up but he holds me down. I glance down to see his tip dangerously close to my core. I look back up at Tristan through my lashes as he tucks his lip into his mouth. "Fuck, don't look at me like that." He whispers, readjusting his hold on me.

With that, he moves even closer and starts to grind me up against the wall as I tighten my grip around him, afraid he might drop me. But that urges him to fasten his pace, slamming his fist on the wall next to my head as he nuzzles his face in my neck.

Unintentionally, my breasts start to bounce up and down as he continues to grind me up against the wall. Tristan notices and lowers his face to my breasts, his hot breath making my nipples perk up.

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