Chapter 76

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Two weeks later:

Aurora's POV:

After weeks of heavy storming, the weather finally cleared up and it was sunny again.

I open the curtains to the room then step into the balcony, staring out into the garden. It's so beautiful today.

I go into the nursery to check in on Eric but he's still sleeping. I'm kind of glad he is because I have so much to do today.

Today isn't like any other day. It's Tristan's birthday.

He's turning 28 today and I couldn't be more excited. He's had birthdays before in the period of time that I've known him, considering the fact that we're nearing in to two years of marriage, but we've never really celebrated them. At that time, I wasn't close to him nor in love with him..

But I want to start now because he won't be expecting it. I have no idea what I should do for his birthday, but I want it to be special.

The problem is, what do you get a man who already has everything? who has means to buy anything he wants. From mansions, to cars, to islands. He can literally buy anything he wants.

And that makes it harder for me because I have no idea what to do for him. He always makes my birthdays feel so special.

But even though his lifestyle is very luxurious, he's still a very simple man. I've picked up on it. He's not as materialistic as everyone makes him out to be. The money he has is just a bonus for him, he's told me before.

And I've also picked up on it because of the things he does. Like when we go to an opening of one of his new hotels, or when he closes in on a multimillion dollar contract. He remains unfazed.

But then I see how he's like with Eric, how he would just hold him and play with him for hours. Or how he's like when we go out on dates. He just turns into a whole other person.

I decided I need some help from his family so I called every single one of them.

Dianne said that a way to a man's heart through his stomach. And she's not completely wrong because Tristan always says how much he loves when I cook for him.

Aylina wasn't any help. Her exact words were "Aurora. The man has everything he wants." Isaac didn't even answer his phone, as expected. And Stella answered with one word: Sex.

I can't with her. She always has the most outrageous ideas and now, she's coming over to help me with how I can do something special for him. I tried to reason with her but Stella doesn't take no for answer. I don't know what she has in mind yet but I know it's something bold.


"Hey, Rory." She squeals, jumping to hug me. I haven't seen Stella in so long. I've missed her so much."Hi." I giggle, hugging her back.

We both pull away and I hold the door open for her to come inside. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She says. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that." I sheepishly say, closing the door behind me.

"It's fine. As long as I get to see Eric." She tells me, grabbing my hand as we walk through the foyer.

"He's sleeping but I'll take you to him." I reply. We continue talking as we walk up the stairs towards the bedroom.

She begins catching me up on what's been going on with her considering I haven't seen her in a bit. As we enter the nursery, she tip toes towards his crib and peaks in.

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