Chapter 35

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Hi, babes. Sorry this took a while but enjoy💞😊

Aurora's POV:

Panic, confusion, fear and dread.

A fraction of emotions I'm feeling right now as I feel everything around me spinning. My eyes drowning in tears and my body giving out on me.

Everything was in slow motion and the world narrowed in on me. I can hear yells and growls emanating from the monsters of men that surrounded me.

My eyes stay fixated on the floor as the men scatter around following Petrov, who has successfully evaded the room.

It felt like I was in a trance. My body went completely stiff and I couldn't move. But his voice snapped me out of it.

"Fuck, Elijah. Get her out of here. Take her somewhere safe." Tristan growls and I feel Elijah starting to pull me away as my eyes focus on the blood seeping on the concrete floor.

I free myself from Elijah's grip and run over to Tristan, getting on my knees and completely drenching them in blood.

"Tristan." I cry out as I watch his white shirt stained in wet red patches of blood that keep expanding the more I look at them.

"Boss, some of them got away but we got Petrov." An out of breath Jonas emerges back into the room but stops talking as soon as he dark orbs rake over Tristan. "Fuck, boss. We need to get you out of here. You're loosing a shit-ton of blood."

"You think I don't fucking know that. Elijah, get Aurora to the car. NOW!" He hisses in pain as I hold on to him, not wanting to let go. Elijah pulls me by my arm as the rest of the men gather around and carry his bleeding body to the car. "Take her dad and put him in the van. Don't let any of them escape."


I sat in the backseat of the car with Tristan layed down in pain, his head on my lap as I pressure down on his wounds.

He was shot because of me. He might die because of me and I don't know if I can live with myself after that.

I can hear Elijah and Jonas yelling into their phones but I have no idea what they're  saying. All my senses are entirely focused on Tristan as he shuts his eyes tight and hisses in pain.

I feel so bad that I don't know how to help him. I don't know what to do but he's loosing so much blood and it's making me lightheaded. He has three wounds. One in his upper arm, one in his chest, close to his shoulder and another in his abdomen. They're all oozing blood and I'm struggling on how to stop it.

I place one hand on his chest and another on his abdomen to stop the blood from pouring out. I look down at Tristan with teary eyes and he looks like he's about to fall unconcious.

"P-Please, please stay with me. We're almost there." I cry "Please, hurry. He's going to pass out." I plead Elijah as he furiously races through the dark road.

He keeps staring up at me. His eyes weary and tired, so close to being shut closed. His once tanned face pale and his lips blue. Utterly drained of life.

"My angel." Tristan whispers, smiling at me and reaching over for my cheek but failing, his voice flat and dead. I swallow but tears manage to escape more freely after the sound of his voice. "Shh, don't cry." He mumbles as I look down at his face with a worried look.

"I-I'm sorry." I sob, apologizing to him. Apologizing for every single thing I did to him, apologizing because I'm the reason he's going through this pain. I'm the reason why he got shot and put in danger.

I watch over his face but he slowly shuts his eyes and I feel him getting heavier.

He's unconcious.

I hysterically start to cry like I never have before. "No. Please." I wheeze as Jonas turns around to see Tristan laying comatose in my arms. "E-Elijah, he lost too much blood." I inform Elijah who doesn't even spare me a glance. I can see beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he continues to drive.

"We're here." He says and Jonas jumps out of the moving car and opens the backdoor. I quickly slide out and both Elijah and Jonas carry Tristan into our house as I run following them, Tristan's blood all over me.

They set him in the guest room downstairs. The house is fully equipped with medical equipment. In case anything happens. They lay him on the bed and soon enough, more of Tristan's men join in and rush into the room. I was about to follow them in but Elijah stops me, starting to shut the door but I block him.

"Wait, please. I want to stay." I beg but he shakes his head at me.

"He wouldn't want you to see him in such state." He harshly spits and I pout, fighting the urge of crying some more.

"But I'm worried about him. He's my husband, please let me in." I argue. I just really want to see if he's okay.

"Aurora, today's been hectic enough. Go take a shower and rest." I promise I'll inform you if anything happens."

"Okay." I nod understanding. Turning away but as soon as I do. I recall something. How can I forget?


"Wait, please. What happened to Claire. She- She was bleeding on the floor before they took me and now she's not here. Please tell me you found her, please."

"Aurora, calm down. We took her to the hospital. Her wounds were too severe for us to treat." He informs and I feel a little bit relieved.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes, the doctor works for us. He's one of the finest. Now go upstairs and I'll come find you as soon as there's any update." He reassures me and I nod, wiping some of my tears. He slams the door but I'm still able to hear their inaudible murmurs. I bow my head and walk upstairs with my mind full of negative thoughts.

What if his wounds are fatal? What if he doesn't make it?

I'll never get to apologize to him. I'll never get to say what I had in mind. God, I'm so stupid. This is all my fault. Claire got hurt because of me. Tristan is injures because of me. It should be me in there, struggling to live. It should've been me who got hurt, not them.

I force myself to get up from the bed and clean myself to some extent. Everything and everywhere hurts but I'm not even focused on that. I'm not even worried about myself. I'm more so worried about Tristan and if he's badly hurt.

They say you never know a good thing till it's gone. I never thought about that saying as well as I did right now. I know Tristan is the most ruthless, calllous, intimidating man there is. But he was still my husband. He protects me, tends to my need and always makes sure that I'm at best and I can't ask anything more than that.

After lazily cleaning myself, I sat down on the bed and cupped my face in my hand. Waiting for Elijah to come and give me any kind of hope I can hold on to.

Sighing I turned over to my side and grabbed the phone, dialing a number and waiting for it to get through.

Hey, queens. Hope you're all doing well🙂

This took forever to publish but I just lost motivation in writing ugh. It happens but it's just a passing phase. Plus, I got ahead and started to prepare for my finals and it's kicking my ass.

I'll try my hardest to update for you cuz you guys are everything💓 Next chapter will be out in 2 days.

Also, I want to know if you guys prefer short chapters or long ones cause I can't decide which one is better.

Thank you so much for all the reads, comments, votes and messages. I love them all💞😭

Lots of love❤

Published: 27th April 2019.

Caged By HimOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora