Chapter 8 - The Rumours

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Wednesday, October 17th

     There were some disadvantages of being friends with a popular guy like Calix. It automatically caused his friends, like Jesse and Axel, to be popular too. And with popularity came rumours.

Since everybody kept an eye on 'the cool kids', everybody always seemed to know exactly what they did.

In school, and outside of school.

It surprised Jesse it had taken three days for rumours to reach his group of friends, and by the time it did, he felt even worse than he did the day before, when Loek had suddenly joined their soccer team.

And rumours, when reaching Jesse's group of friends, went something along the line like;

"Sally told Myrtle that her boyfriend Rashid saw you with a guy. You were so wasted he needed to support you." Ashton threw in casually while they were seated in the lunchroom, eating their lunch in relative peace.

"Jasmine told me that Evert told her you threw up outside of Gringo's." Pete chuckled.

Jesse had no idea who Sally, Myrtle or Jasmine even were, or why they would stick their noses into his business.

"Is it true you weren't allowed back in and that's why you left early?" Xavi frowned shortly, but then smirked. "I bet you weren't allowed back in, right?"

"Throwing up sounds like something you'd do." Ashton chuckled lightly.

"Why?" Jesse grumbled annoyed. "I've never thrown up outside of a club before. Why does it sound like something I'd do?"

"Because of the excessive amount of alcohol that you always drink." Calix patted his shoulder while Jesse rolled his eyes.

"Esther said you fought, and that's why you were suddenly gone."

"Who the hell are these people even?" Jesse threw in with a whiny voice. "Why're they talking about me like that? They don't even know me." He allowed his head to rest on the table while he let out a deep sigh. "I just left with Yoni, because we wanted to go."

"You know why they're talking?" Ashton took in a deep breath, letting Jesse know he was going to say something that wasn't easily said.

"Well?" Jesse lifted his head up to look at him, and noticed Pete and Xavi were suddenly very interested in their food.

"Because there's rumours about Yoni, and how she was spotted with another guy." Ashton told him with a blank stare.

Jesse frowned, since he knew that couldn't been true. Yoni, after leaving Gringo's, had been with Donna, at Unity. Even if she would've been spotted with a guy afterwards, it probably didn't mean anything.

"When?" Jesse asked with a bit of a mocking smirk. He knew most of the rumours that went around school were fake, but he never caught a rumour about him or Yoni that was fake. Why now, all of the sudden?

"Well, shortly after you left Gringo's."

"I call bullshit." Jesse simply replied with a shrug. "I was with her, shortly after I left. Don't believe everything people say. Most of these rumours are fake as fuck."

"Yeah." Axel nodded. "Like that one rumour, that Donna went to Unity? I call bullshit too." He seemed so certain of his case that Jesse felt sorry for him. Why did he have to pick a rumour which was true? Why did he have to pick a rumour that Jesse himself knew was true?

"Why would she go there?" He laughed, and while most of the guys laughed with him, Jesse didn't. He was looking at the table where the girls were seated, spotting Donna and Yoni right next to each other. And the former was currently looking towards them too.

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