Part 14

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 4, after sunrise

Rain. We have rain. Rain rain rain rain rain!!!

I sprang up and went for the empty water bottle with sudden energy I haven't felt in 3 days. I held it up to the sky and began collecting the rainwater.

"Water!!" I croaked out holding the water bottle to the sky with shaky hands. As the clouds got darker and more rain fell, Darcy slightly stirred.

I looked at her to see everyone hold their mouths open to the sky getting mouth fulls of water then swallowing. When the water was almost to the halfway point in the bottle I went to her side and held her mouth open with Lucas, Michael, and Edmond watching me carefully.

I poured some of the fresh ice cold water we all desperately craved into her mouth, her eyes opened but she still didn't move. She looked at all of us and gave a weak smile. That was all I needed.

I turned back up to the sky and opened my mouth relishing in the water I ever so needed as it quenched the dryness in my throat and tongue. Everyone did the same too, I could only imagine how desperate we all were.

The sky was getting darker by the second. I was bathing in the water from our dear heavens but was soon snapped out of my happiness cry when I saw lightning then heard thunder.

We all froze.

As if it was a switch, small waves began to crash roughly against the sides of the raft. Darcy was up because of what I assume now was dehydration, cleared her senses.

But still. She needs major rest, she can't just stand upright after a near-death experience.

I rush to her side and ask her to sit down. She does and lays by Edmond and Michael. "Stay put. I think a storm is coming!!" I yell over the gusts of wind that made my soaked hair fly across my face and stick there.

They nodded in fear, shock and for some people resentment. And by some people, I mean Edmond.

I crawl my way over to the water bottle on the other side of the raft. We can't afford to lose our only source of clean water holding.

I only managed to crawl and few paces before I stop short because I'm pulled back by my leg and into a hard chest. And before I know it I'm on Lucas's lap.

"Lucas I need to h—" I start.

"Help? Yeah no. You stay put this storm is dangerous." He said in and strong possessive voice.

"I'm capable! We can't lose our only clean water!" I say grabbing his wrist and pulling it off my thigh that was absentmindedly placed there by Lucas when he grabbed my leg.

As much as I wanted his hands all over me. Now was definitely not the time.

"Stop!" I heard him call out before I got to the water bottle and grabbed it.

"See! That was not so hard!!" I yelled over the even harsher winds blowing in my ears causing an achy sound to give me a headache.

That was the last thing I said before a wave crashed over the raft swiftly knocking me out.

I tried to scream but was cut short by the water. I couldn't even tell how far I went because before I knew it I was deep underwater.

The heavy wave rolling over me causing me to do flips every time I would try to get to the surface.


I could've sworn I heard someone say my name. I'm delusional. Hell, I'm trapped under a wave.

My body stilled when something touched me.

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