Part 47 • Epilogue 1

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Lily's POV.

I paced back and fourth through the marble kitchen. I feel myself shaking as I turn off the TV that was in the kitchen above the sink. My fathers dead. And I never got my chance to talk to him again. After all this work I did. After all this work we did.

I feel the tears threatening to fall again from my frustration.

"Hey honey." Matthew says happily while quickly walking towards me when he enters the kitchen. My back was turned to him so I quickly wiped my eyes. I spun around only wearing my nightgown. Without hesitation I run into his large comforting arms.

He immediately opens his arms for me. He holds me tight as I can't help the sobs. "Baby what's wrong?" Matt asks kissing my cheek quickly. He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"My father... he's... dead." I breathe out slowly. The images on that screen keep flashing through my mind. My fathers face they somehow got a picture of. And the faces of everyone else who was on that plane... I place my face back on his chest. I feel his hold on me tighten. "Honey I'm so sorry." He says honestly and rubs my back soothingly.

"What happened this seems so sudden? We were just about to fill out the legal documents for you to see him again..." he says the last part mostly to himself. I cry harder as I feel my legs give out. The truth in his words haunt me.

Matt wastes no time scooping me into his arms and walking me to the couch.

We lay on the couch for what seemed like hours.

I tried dad. That's all I can say.

I tried.

But I still love you.


4 months later

I stare down at the sheet in my hand. "You don't have to do this Lily." Matthew says while giving my hand a squeeze.

"I need to." I say before ripping up the contract that stated I was allowed to see my father. He's dead so what's the point. I through it away.

"I can't believe my own father tried to hijack a plane. I always knew he was an awful man-but how could he go this far? God Matthew I knew he loved his family but I made the right decision to leave right? And I left my mother! I-" I start but Matthew shushes me before I start another panic attack. I started getting them a year after I left and have officially had them for 8 years now.

Matt kisses my lips and smiles reassuringly. "We are in this together. Nothing your father did will make me love you any less."

"I love you." I say closing my eyes.

I freeze when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Matthew says before walking out of his huge office.

I stare out the window and frown when I see an oddly familiar silver car parked out front.

"Lily come down, my brothers here!" Matt yells up the stairs. I can't help the smile that takes over my face as I think about Matt's brother who left on a trip for awhile, with no contact from him I was just happy to know he was still alive.

"Darren!" I yell running down the stairs. "So good to see you again!" I exclaim running into his arms.

When I pull away I go to stand by Matthew who instantly wraps his arm around my waist when he knows I'm close enough. I take note of the serious look on Darren's face.

"I actually arrived home a month ago. I just had to deal with some things..." he says slowly looking lost in thought.

"Why didn't you stop by sooner?" Matt asks.

"Look, Ana is in the hospital. And... it's just been a lot lately." Darren says annoyed.

His sister is in the hospital?

Darren is Matthews half brother, which makes Ana Matthews half sister as well. He was never as close to Ana as he was to Darren who became his second in command. What ever that means.

Matt still won't explain it to me because its "a lot to handle" which in my opinion makes things more confusing. After Matthew took over his family's business Darren has done most of the traveling for Matthew so he had more time to do the harder paperwork.

"Shit what happened? Should we go see her?" My husband says worried.

"Not that kind of hospital, she was admitted into a mental hospital after they found her at the cabin two weeks ago. She was barely breathing and apparently they arrested someone named Rosa and Rusty." He says looking at me like he knows he shouldn't say something. Matthew nods in some unspoken understanding.

"They also found another body and signs of... captors... all around the house." Darren says before turning to me.

"Lily do you mind if I talk to Matthew alone for a little while. We have a lot to catch up on."

I nod before walking out of the room.

Two weeks ago the police said my fathers body was found. Was it a coincidence that Ana's was too?

I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought of it being true.

Maybe it's about time I visit my mom...


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