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A/N: I might have written this one with a big glass of wine at my side, so I honestly don't know exactly what happened. Let me know if you find any mistakes!

As Camila walked to the kitchen to get the both of them some water, Lauren just wandered around the unfamiliar appartment. Even though she felt a bit less drunk, she definitely wasn't sober either.

"Don't touch anything!" Camila yelled at Lauren from the kitchen.

Lauren quickly put down the picture of Camila and Dinah and walked to the kitchen. Camila offered her a glass of water and Lauren nodded gratefully. Then she asked what had been on her mind for a couple of minutes now. "Why exactly am I at your place?"

"Well, if you hadn't been so shitfaced we both could have enjoyed our evening a lot more," Camila started before Lauren interrupted her. "Yeah, I know, I know, but why didn't you bring me to my home?"

Camila chuckled. "Because, after two years of working together, I still don't know where you live."

Lauren's eyes widened. "Wait, for real?"

"Yeah, absolutely no clue," Camila laughs, which makes Lauren laugh along with her. "I've also tried texting Dinah and Normani about fifty times already, but neither of them responded, so I decided to take you home."

Even though Lauren was slightly worried for the two girls, that worry was quickly replaced with annoyance. "You could've just left me in the bar. I was doing absolutely fine."

Camila raises her eyebrows in surprise at the sudden attack. She was obviously only trying to help Lauren. "Are you serious?"

Lauren put her hands up in frustration. "Yeah, I was having fun. I know you don't like to see me have fun, but that doesn't mean you get to take me home with you!"

Camila took a step back, slightly freaked out by Lauren's sudden anger. "Wow, calm down there Jaguar," she said, purposefully using the last name dumb interviewers often used. "I was just trying to help, you could barely talk!"

"Are you sure you didn't want to escape from the awkward conversation you and that Helen girl were having," Lauren snapped at her.

"Wha-, what are you even, you mean Hailee?"

"Yeah, yeah, that one. Why do you even bother? She clearly wasn't into you anyway."

Camila's eyes flicked down for a second, slightly hurt by Lauren's words. "How would you know that? And why are you being an absolute dick for no reason?" Camila said, her voice slightly raised out of frustration. "The first time I ever genuinely try to help you and this is what I get back?"

Lauren, clearly still drunk, took an unbalanced step towards Camila. "Because that girl is as straight as a ruler and because you don't get to make decisions for me!"

Camila didn't even get the chance to think about Hailee's sexuality, because at this point she was only thinking about Lauren. "I wasn't even trying to make any fucking decisions for you! I just wanted you home safe!" She yelled out of frustration.

Lauren snorted. "You? You wanted me home safe? Do you actually believe that?"

"Yes! I might not like you Lauren, but that doesn't mean I'd like to see you end up in a fucking ditch somewhere!" Camila yelled, putting force behind her words by poking Lauren's chest with her  finger after each word.

The green eyed girl lightly pushed Camila away. "I'm going home."

"No, you're not," Camila wasn't giving up. Once again, she didn't want to see Lauren end up in a ditch, athough that's absolutely what her co-star deserved right now.

This absolutely pissed Lauren off, though. "Are you fucking serious Cabello? I just told you I don't want you making any decisions for me!"

Camila tried to calm herself down, because this back and forth yelling is absolutely useless. She took a couple of deep breaths. "Please Lauren? I have a spare bedroom, just take it. Tomorrow you can leave as early as you want, but please just stay right now, okay?"

Lauren kind of loses her footing for a second, reminding herself and Camila of the fact that she absolutely isn't sober just yet and nodds. "Yeah, okay. Fine."

Camila nods, relieved. "Okay, thank you. The room is upstairs. Second door on the left."

Lauren nodds and immediately walks towards the stairs. Camila drops down on the couch the second she hears the guest room's door close. What the hell just happened?

Eventually, the younger girl falls asleep replaying tonight's events over and over.


Both girls wake up the next morning by the sound of a door shutting closed. Camila immediately sits up, grabbing her head, because she definitely just sat up too quickly. "What the heck?" She asks groggily.

Dinah, who has just entered the room, let's out a squeal of surprise. "What the hell are you doing downstairs, Mila?"

Camila rubs her eyes as she tries to remember why exactly she's on the couch again, but all of last night quickly comes back to her. "Lauren," is all she says before Dinah jumps on the couch.

"Lauren is here?" She asks looking around the room, as if Lauren would just pop up out of a fucking houseplant.

"Yeah, guest room," Camila replies nodding her head in the direction of the room.

"You and Lauren went home together?"

Camila nodds, which makes Dinah bounce on the couch like an excited puppy. "Not like that DJ, she was drunk last night. Like, really drunk, so I decided to take her home, but I didn't know her address and some people suddenly didn't know how to work a phone." She says accusingly. "Reminding me, where the hell were you?"

"Oh you know, Normani and I just went home," Dinah says, whilst her face is getting more red by the second. Camila doesn't really understand, because if Dinah simply went home with Normani, there's no reason to be ashamed. She raises her eyebrows because of her friend's weird behaviour, but what else is new? "Okay.. So you couldn't answer your phone at Normani's?"

Dinah shakes her head no, still blushing quite a bit, but before she can further explain herself, someone walks down the stairs.

Dinah and Camila both look at Lauren, who looks absolutely terrible, which Camila can't help but express. "Well, well, well, look who looks like absolute shit on this fine Saturday morning."

Dinah opts to go for a slightly nicer aproach. "Hi Ralph, nice night?"

Lauren only shakes her head no. "Where did you go?"

"Normani's" Dinah answers Lauren's question.

Lauren just nodds in response and the room falls in an awkward silence for a little bit. After a while Lauren is the one to break the silence. "I should go home."

Camila just nods, but once again Dinah chooses the nicer option. "You want any breakfast? Water? Medication?" This quickly earns an angry look from Camila, who just really wants Lauren to leave after the horrible fight they had last night.

Luckily, Lauren feels the same way and starts walking towards the door. "No, thanks though. I should really go," she says as she opens the door and leaves.

"Oh you know, YOU'RE WELCOME!" Camila yells towards the door. "What a bitch."

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