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For the last couple of days, Camila has walked around with her head in the clouds. She has basically been making out with Hailee for the past couple of evenings and she gets to officially call the girl her girlfriend now.

However, that good mood quickly disappears when she sees Lauren enter the cafe where they had decided to meet today. Of course Lauren would be twenty minutes late to an important "date". "Hi, you're late," Camila states when Lauren sits down opposite her. "Hi, you're on time," Lauren responds and Camila just rolls her eyes in response. "I already got you some coffee," Camila says and before Lauren can ask, she continues. "Yes, it's black."

Lauren raises her eyebrows and smirks. "When she knows your coffee order," she jokes as she wiggles her eyebrows. Camila rolls her eyes. "So, how do you want to do this?" she asks.

"Maybe just-, hold my hand or something?" Lauren awkwardly suggests. "This feels so weird," she adds, because it actually does feel really weird. "Oh god, I just remembered I'm going to have to kiss you, like, for real!"

Camila rolls her eyes again. They might actually get stuck one day if she stays around Lauren for too long. "For your information, Hailee said I was great."

Lauren's eyes widen. "You actually asked?" she asks as she snorts out a bit of coffee, which Camila pretends not to see, because she hates it when people comment on things like that. One time she was drinking some coke and half her bottle shot out of her nose when Dinah said something stupid and of course she then had to tell the entire restaurant. "Yes, I asked! I cannot be a bad kisser, I refuse," Camila states.

Lauren chuckles. "Wow, I didn't think you'd actually care. I'm almost sorry I said it."

Camila stirs her coffee as she looks Lauren up and down. "Oh, okay. So you don't regret it? You think I'm bad?" she asks, more so to challenge Lauren than that she's actually upset. The other girl just shakes her head, laughing at Camila's ridiculousness. "Hmhm, you suck."

"If there's one thing I don't do, it's suck," Camila laughs as Lauren scrunches her nose in disgust, even though she's secretly trying to keep in her laughter. "I'm not taking it back. Take the criticism and better yourself, Cabello."

Camila is smiling this weird smirk that Lauren can't really place as she's glancing around the cafe. Lauren looks behind her to check out what Camila's looking at when she suddenly feels two soft hands on her cheeks, turning her head back around to face the brown eyed girl. She's slightly shocked by the feeling, but this shock is incomparable to the shock she feels a second later, when warm lips touch hers. It only lasts about two seconds, but it feels like a full minute before Lauren reacts and backs off. "What the fuck, Camila?" Lauren exclaims.

Camila just smirks in response and nods her head in the direction behind Lauren. The green eyed girl quickly looks behind her and she immediately recognises the paparazzi a couple of tables away. She doesn't understand how they think they look like "normal" people, who would wear sunglasses in a restaurant? The actual famous people themselves don't even do that.

Her mouth falls open into an o-shape, which makes Camila laugh. "Aw, you thought I'd kissed you because I value your opinion of my kissing abilities so much," she smirks arrogantly. Okay, so maybe that is exactly what Lauren thought. For some reason it irks her that this wasn't the reason for Camila's kiss.

Lauren blushes. "No, no, I knew," she tries to reason, but it's obvious that she didn't know, which only broadens Camila's smirk. "So, it has officially begun now, huh?" Lauren says as she grabs Camila's hand and intertwines their fingers. Now it's Camila's turn to blush. She decides to just nod in response. "Let the games begin," Lauren jokes, which makes Camila laugh.

"Okay, calm down there, nerd," Camila chuckles. "The Hunger Games would be a breeze compared to dating you," she smirks.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play this, huh?" Lauren says challengingly, to which Camila only smirks in response. "Well, babe, you're in for it now," the green eyed girl says with extra emphasis on the 'babe'. "I'll go get you some coffee, love," Lauren says as she stands up, but just as she's about to walk to the counter, she tilts Camila's head upwards with her pointer finger and pecks her on the lips before she walks away confidently, leaving Camila behind with a bright red head. Oh god, the games really have begun.

Camila grabs her phone and just when she's about to text Hailee, she receives a flood of texts from Dinah.

Dino [12:32]: entertainmenttoday.com/camilaandlaurengettingcosy

Dino [12:32]: ooooh, so they making out now? Dayuuum girl, you faaaast

Dino [12:32]: you in love yet?

Dino [12:33]: Oh, so you're in a relationship and you immediately ignore your best friend, huh?

Dino [12:33]: I see how it is, pffff

Camila isn't even annoyed anymore at this point, so she just chuckles softly.

Chancho [12:34]: You gave me not even one minute to reply, DJ.

Dino [12:34]: oh there she is, my big ol' lesbian

Chancho [12:35]: I'd say I'm smaller than average

Dino [12:35]: tell that to your ass

Chancho [12:35]: Camila's ass is not available right now. Oh, Lauren's back, talk later

Dino [12:35]: oh so that's why Camila's ass isn't available right now

Camila chuckles as she puts her phone away, when Lauren sits back down and hands Camila her coffee, "What are you laughing at?"

"Dinah," Camila simply replies, to which Lauren immediately nods in understanding. "I'm guessing an article came out?" she asks, to which Camila nods. "Damn, they work fast!" Lauren exclaims as she's looking at the paparazzi. "I fucking hate them, but I respect their work ethic."

"For sure, what has it been? Five minutes?" Camila asks. "Yeah, what the fuck," Lauren chuckles. "So, should we, like, hang out and stuff?" she asks.

"And stuff?" Camila asks as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Not like that, you pervert," Lauren slaps Camila's hand.

"Oh, that's how you treat your girlfriend?" the younger girl replies, to which Lauren replies, "Only when she's been a little shit."

She doesn't like the fact that Camila is still full-on smirking. "So..," Camila starts, as Lauren raises her eyebrows in anticipation. "Only when 'your girlfriend' has been bad?" It's all she gets out before she starts laughing quite loudly. "I'm sorry, even I couldn't go through with that one. I made myself cringe," she gets out between laughs. After a while of watching Camila lose her mind, Lauren starts laughing too, because something about seeing the other girl this happy really makes her be able to laugh along.

After about a minute of them looking like absolute idiots, Lauren speaks up. "So, no daddy kink then?"

Camila shakes her head. "No, I don't think so," she starts, but Lauren immediately interrupts her. "You don't think so? You want a daddy, Cabello?"

Camila looks seriously offended. "Excuse you, I'd be the daddy, Jauregui," she says seriously, "but still, not my thing, no."

"Okay, calm down," Lauren pauses, "daddy."

Camila visibly cringes, but then a smirk appears on her face. "I might be into it."

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