1: New Beginnings

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bronwyn's p.o.v.

as i woke up, i could hear the faint sound of the TV from another room. the news broadcaster sounded as if they were speaking of an actress making anti-lgbtq+ comments on her twitter, causing a small huff of annoyance to escape my lips before i even opened my eyes.

my eyes fluttered open and i looked to the bedside table of my newly decorated room. the clock read "20:34" (8:34pm). i sighed, knowing i had to get up and shower. still half awake from my nap, i walked into the hallway and kept walking until i reached the living/family room. my older sister laid sprawled out across the leather couch, clad in sweatpants and a very large t-shirt, harshly contrasting to my tight tank top and shorts, which were white and yellow unlike her dark attire.

"tinsley," i said- causing her to look at me whilst raising an eyebrow. "when did i fall asleep?" i asked.

"around five," she answered, and after i didnt say anything she continued, "after watching the movie i believe." her german accent rang out, which matched both mine and my mothers.

speaking of... "mom left already?" i spoke, frowning slightly at the thought.

"yeah, you just missed her by about ten-ish minutes." tinsley replied, before turning her attention back to the TV. i took that as my cue to leave.

i walked back to my bedroom and grabbed pajamas before walking into the bathroom across the hall from my room. i shut the door and looked around, the bathroom had a tub, shower, sink, and whatever else it held— it wasn't completely set up yet, much like the rest of the house. the walls were painted a baby blue, one of my two favorite colors.

i turned the knob to the shower and waited for the water to heat up as i stripped out of my clothes and looked in the mirror, pulling my platinum blonde waves out if the messy bun they were held hostage in. i studied my own features for a few moments, frowning. i was nervous for my first day of a new school tomorrow. i would be attending orange county day, better known as o.c.d., located in california. the biggest issues are:
•i'm german
•and i suck at making friends
my sea-foam colored eyes studied my pale reflection, dotted with freckles and a pierced septum in between my nostrils. my pink lips parted as i sighed.

seconds later i turned my exposed body towards the bath tub and stepped in, warm water raining from the shower head and caressing my skin, darkening my hair, and lessening my anxiety. i washed my body and hair before turning the water off and drying my bare skin. i pulled on my pajamas before tying my wet hair into a braid and hanging my towel to dry.

i checked the time, seeing that it was getting late enough to sleep without getting up in three hours wide awake. i yelled a "goodnight!" to tinsley and brushed my teeth before crawling back into my bed. i sighed, thinking about how nerve wracking tomorrow would be, but soon i drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


the next morning i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blasting the most obnoxious honking noise possible. i cursed in my native language and turned it off before sitting up and stretching, bones popping. i pushed myself out of bed and walked into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes in the air. looks like mom came home early from her night shift at work after-all.

i greeted my mom in a raspy voice, "mornin', you're home early."

my mom smiled at me, "yep! left early so i could drive you, figured tinsley wouldn't help your nerves much." she joked lightly.

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