2: the gay boy's girlfriend

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bronwyn's p.o.v.

'good morning' i thought to myself as i stretched, barely sleeping last night. once i walked into the house, tinsley asked me to watch a scary movie with her. i declined, only to find myself in a tickle war in the living room, not realizing she started the movie. of course once it was started i was hooked and got sucked into watching two hours of blood and ghosts and.. tinsley. eventually i was freed to go shower and sleep, since it was 23:00 (11pm), but unfortunately every time i would hear a noise i was afraid the ghosts were coming to get me.

so when i fell asleep at 4:00 and woke up at 6... lets just say i was going to be cranky. on top of it, mom got stuck at work and tinsley was already at her college for a class, so i was home alone. i forced myself out of bed and made coffee before going back upstairs to get ready. i pulled on leggings and a gray t-shirt tied above my bellybutton to expose my sparkling piercing. i also slipped on black sneakers and a denim jacket with sunflowers stitched into the back. my hair was down and in waves.

i tended to wear sunflowers a lot because they were my father's favorite flower before he passed away in a car accident, one month prior to moving to america. for some reason, they helped me feel closer to him. 'daddy, i miss you.' i thought to myself. shaking my head, i just put on mascara and adjusted the piercing between my nostrils so that it was even.

i left the house not long after, eating an apple as i walked to school. it was a ten minute walk, but i took fifteen just because i was enjoying the scenery a lot. carter popped into my mind and i couldn't help but smile to myself.

'she was so sweet, no wonder she was popular. skye told me she was badass though... i just hope shes not trying to trick me into fucking her. i'm a virgin and she seems like the type to be rough.'

i felt my face heat up as these thoughts ran through my head, mentally scolding myself as i walked onto the school's campus. almost immediately, charlie jogged up to me- nova close on her tail and skye struggling to keep up nearly three feet behind them and panting. charlie smiled at me "hey bronwyn!" she said lightly.

"hey guys." i said back happily, i saw nova's brown eyes look me up and down before smiling at me. she had a little gap between her two front teeth.

"aye germany," she said playfully, i gave her a look before all four of us burst out in laughter. i felt eyes on me though, and as i turned my head i saw carter and three other people staring at me. i shrugged it off as if it were nothing, she was probably bitching about me. she didn't seem like that type of person but you never know.. and it's not good when somebody, and all of their friends, are staring at you while you talk to your own.

"bronwyn?" skye asked, causing my gaze to flick up to him, he held a confused look on his face.

"oh sorry," i smiled. "i zone out when i'm tired sometimes."

charlie just smiled, "no worries. how was soccer practice yesterday?"

i opened my mouth the say something but nova spoke first, i didn't mind though. my accent was cuter. i listened to nova ramble, barely noticing the girl walk up and kiss skye's cheek.

charlie and i exchanged looks, watching as skye took hold of the girl's hand. wasn't he gay?

"uhh... skye?" charlie asked, her gaze flicking back and forth between the girl and our friend. "who's this?"

skye smiled, but it looked more like a grimace. "this is ilyssa, my girlfriend." he said simply.

nova scrunched her eyebrows together, "your what-now?"

"girlfriend." skye repeated, annoyance evident in his tone.

charlie gave him a 'what the fuck are you doing' look and just shrugged, walking away with nova. i gave skye a small smile and wave before walking off with the other two girls. the two chatted about anything but skye, it seemed like all three of us were walking on paper thin ice, and i was left clueless because of it.

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