5: soccer game

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bronwyn's pov:

monday came, and monday went, then tuesday followed, then wednesday. carter was absent from school because of a doctors appointment, so my day was pretty uneventful on monday. she came to school tuesday and wednesday but we didn't see much of each other, except for our drives home. it sucked, but i wasn't going to see her everyday and i knew that. charlie and nova have had a lot of tension between them since the party, especially after nova had announced raelynn and her became official as a couple.

i couldn't quite figure out why charlie seemed so uncomfortable. skye and his "girlfriend" had broken up after he found out she cheated on him. shocker. i knew i didn't like her. thankfully, he wasn't all that offended since he hooked up with a guy at the party anyway.

now it was thursday and i was sitting in second period, clicking my pen repeatedly. skye tapped my hand and huffed, "stop it, bronwyn, that's so annoying." he said, and i smirked while clicking it next to his ear a few times.

"bronwyn, skye, knock it off!" she teacher scolded and i immediately straightened up in my seat, feeling my face heat up and turn red as students turned to look at us. i flashed an awkward smiled and mumbled a soft, "sorry.." skye just smirked and continued listening to the lecture.

eventually, the bell rang and i went off to lunch. nova was already at the table with brooke, who still had something against me. maybe she just didn't like german people. i don't know, but that girl really seemed to despise me.

nova smiled at me and winked as i approached. i took a seat next to her, "you ready for the game tonight?" i asked, and she nodded her head vigorously.

"we're going to crush those greenwood high gimps!" she exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air, which hit charlie in the nose as she passed. her hand flew to her bleeding nose and nova's mouth dropped open. she grabbed napkins and held them over charlie's nose as she speed-walked with her to the nurses office, mumblings apologies and asking too many questions.

skye sat down laughing at what he just witnessed and i joined in. "they're so in love." he said and i stopped laughing, cocking my eyebrow.

"what are you talking about?" i asked and he smirked, shaking his head.

" i mean charlie has liked nova for over a year, but she hasn't come out as bisexual to the rest of the group yet so- oh shit i just outed her" skye answered, his mouth dropping open as his face went so red it nearly matched his hair.

i shrugged, "it's fine, i wont tell her." i said with a reassuring smile.

darkness took over my vision and a familiar voice sounded, "guess who~"

"nova?" i teased and received a playful slap on the arm from none other than carter.

"no, dipshit." she snapped and sat down beside me, wrapping a protective arm around my waist as nova and charlie came back.

i snuggled into her side and the other two girls sat down next to each other, nova still asking if charlie was okay every five seconds— not that charlie minded the attention.

carter looked at me and smiled, "so... you have a game tonight right?" she asked and i nodded. "can i come watch?" she asked.

i shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and she faked a dramatic gasp, causing myself to laugh. she smiled and her grip around my waist tightened a little. "yea, yea. you can come." i finally answered and she nodded.

her dark hair was in a messy ponytail and her face had barely any makeup. she looked beautiful. i didn't realize i had been staring until skye cleared his throat and i snapped my green eyed gaze onto his brown. he smirked and i huffed quietly. the bell rang and all of us split up, rushing to class.

classes came and went, carter was sitting with a group of both girls and guys instead of with me. it didn't bother me though, as they were the ones who dragged her over there and it wasn't her idea. i was getting changed in the locker room with nova, tying my cleats when she cleared her throat.

i looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. "can i tell you a secret?" she asked, and my muscles tensed up as my brain thought of my past.

i walked back into the house accompanied by uncle john who had taken me out for dinner as a "celebration of my good grades" that marking period at school. well.. he actually brought me back to his house. it was nothing new though, and fourteen year old me thought it was normal. he made sure to never leave a mark on my body, even though i would always be sore the next day. after he molested me repeatedly. like i said, i knew it was wrong but i thought it was normal because it had been going on for six years. one day i was sitting with seventeen year old tinsley before bed. i looked at her, my stomach twisting in knots. "can i tell you a secret?"

"bronwyn?" nova's voice came. i looked at her and shook my head slightly, "sorry, sorry." i mumbled. "sure, tell me anything."

"i lied about dating raelynn.." she said and her entire face turned a deep shade of red. i scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "you did? why?" i asked, pulling my platinum blonde mess of hair into a ponytail.

"because.. i think charlie was beginning to suspect that i like her but shes.. you know.. straight." she said and i had to swallow my laughter at the irony. "you never know." i said with a wink as i walked out if the locker room and to where the coach would be giving us our pep talk, leaving a very confused nova behind.

as i got to the field, a girl named Santana tapped me on the back lightly. i smiled at her and blushed as i watched her eyes flick down to my lips before she looked away. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but shrugged it off as i saw the opposing team run onto the soccer field.

it was the fourth quarter and we were down by one point. i was breathing a little heavy, my chest heaving. i was now playing offense, running down the field as i yelled out, "ADELINE!" to a girl who had the ball. she passed to me quickly and i ran it down the field, kicking it into the goal, between the goalies legs. we were now tied.

the other team got the ball but it was stolen by santana, who passed to nova with ease. nova ran it ten yards before passing it to me. i caught it with my thigh and passed it to adeline, who shot it into the goal right as the final buzzer rang.

we won.

the team erupted into cheers and i saw my older sister run out onto the field, enveloping me in a hug. after she left, the rest of the team ran up to me and we kept yelling in happiness. i saw a flash of dark hair and watched as carter smiled at me from afar.

i separated from the group and jogged over to carter, who met me halfway and hugged me. "damn bronwyn, you didn't tell me you could play like that."

i laughed and felt the blood rushing up to my cheeks, the hug separating as she pulled back to look at me. we both smiled until she grabbed my water bottle and started running off with it. i ran after her yelling and laughing,

i caught up with her after about ten minutes and tackled her, both of us falling to the ground in laughter— realizing we were the only two left. carter turned her face and pulled mine to hers, locking our lips gently.

"i know this is fast, but i'm really falling for you."

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