Chapter 5

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Laura knocked on Colton's front door, she came to his house to look at the living room , she wanted to show him the furnishing that she chose and see whether he agreed or not.

The door flew open Colton was standing on the doorway. A smile stretched on his face upon seeing her. He greeted her, and led her towards the living room, where there was a table and some seats. she put her laptop on the table and waited for him to sit.

"I want to show you some furniture and decoration for the living room" she started explaining to him what she want to do. He just nodded at what she said.

"I want the living room to be cozier, I would like to come home and feel at peace"

"Okay. We can add some tall plants in here to take up this corner " she gestured towards a corner on the right "I suggest a large sofa to take up this huge space and add a love seat here, we can add a bookshelves so that wall won't stay plain. And Let's add two seats in front of the fire place" Colton was already picturing them both seating in front of the fireplace next to each other, her head on his shoulders both with mugs in their hands. He smiled at the thought.

"Yes I like the idea of having two seats in front of the fire lace. It's more intimate" his voice was hoarse. She looked at him and found him watching her reaction. She tried to act nonchalant, but she failed. Her face turned a bright shade of red.

"Um---yeah. Let's go see the dining room?" she tried to divert the conversation.

"Not yet, let's continue talking about the love seat "he was teasing her, she liked this side of Colton, the way his eyes twinkled it made him feel free without any worries. He started heading towards her, and she knew what was coming next.

"Colton" she tried to warn him, she held her arm in from of her. She didn't trust herself when he was near her.

"Laura" he replied with mischief.

He was so close to her, she could feel his breath fanning her.

"I-"she wasn't able to talk. A flurry of emotions was at war within her

"You what" he whispered, leaning his head more towards her. His mouth was dangerously closed to hers, she wanted so hard to kiss him but she didn't want to make the first move especially after she rejected his advances. She opened and closed her mouth for several times, not finding any words. Sensing his discomfort her his decided to change the subject.

"Can you go with me to look for furniture?" he asked. She was disappointed and that showed in her face which made him happy. She wanted him to kiss her he thought, but he was afraid if he did she will freak out. He stepped out of her comfort zone, and gave her a moment to collect her thoughts.

Laura took a deep breath, trying to hide her disappointment. you should have kiss him she thought for a moment, she was blushing so hard at that thought. she felt like she was losing her sanity when he was near her.

"So" he asked amused by her discomfort

Laura looked at her watch it was past eleven. And she didn't have any meeting, so she nodded

"Sure, I'm free this afternoon" she replied. He smiled at her

"Okay, give me five minutes to get ready and we can go".

She thought that they were going to go separately, each in his own car, but he refused stating that she should come back to his house to continue working. They headed to his garage where there was a huge black jeep parked. She suddenly felt giddy to ride in his car. She was always a fan of big cars.

They were riding in silence, the only sound was coming from the radio. It was a sort of show that was playing and then a song started, she knew it was the song.

Colton started humming and he looked at her when a part of the song started, it was as if describing their state:

"I don't say a word
but still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
there you go, saving me from out of the crowd."

They were stopping at a red light and Colton was looking at her intensely, she felt his stare but she wasn't able to look at him, she knew that if does that, she will be gone, she won't listen to her mind anymore.

As hearing the cars honking behind them, Colton breaks his gaze from her, and started driving, when she looked at him. His knuckles were white from holding tight the steering wheel, his jaw was tense. She didn't understand what happened to him.

When they arrived to their destination, they got out of the car and started heading towards the entrance, they spent the time choosing furniture. It felt like they were choosing the furniture for their own house. He was walking beside her, sometimes brushing his shoulders with hers, she knew he did it on purpose, but she didn't find it in her to tell him to stop. He spotted a bed in a corner, and urged her to lay on it

"But we haven't even decide what colors the walls will be and the decoration" as hearing his favor

"C'mon Laura, lay on it and test it"

"There's no need, the bed is for you. You're the one who should decide. If it's comfortable, you can buy it"

Laura was standing net to the bed so it was easy for him to grab her hand and pull her to lie beside him. The bed was indeed comfortable she thought. Colton was lying so close to her. She could feel the heat emanating from his body. She looked at him and found him watching her, his stare always made her speechless. He raised his arm to move a strand of hair behind her ear. Laura's breath was caught in her throat. The Whole gesture seemed intimate to her.

"Why don't you give me a chance? " he whispered. He put his hand on her cheek. "I don't know what happened to you, but I promise that I won't hurt you ". Laura saw the sincerity in his eyes, after a couple of seconds which felt like eternity for Colton of silence she answered.

"I know that you won't" she mumbled casting her eyes down , he saw the vulnerability on them, something really bad happened to her, he thought. He was trying to look for arguments to convince her, but she caught him out of guard when she said

"Okay I agree"

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any remarks or questions, please feel free to share them.

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