chapter 12

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Note: I'm so sorry for this late update, i would like to thank the people who read, voted, and comented on my story, thank you so much for 2.6k reads , I would like to read your feedback about this story.  do you like it so far, please let me know . I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Cassie just left Laura's apartment, when she heard a knock on her door. Thinking that it was Cassie forgetting something, she opened her front door, and said.

"You're always forgetti..."she stopped midway, as she found out that it was not Cassie, who was standing on her front door, but it was none other than Colton, he looked tired, his eyes were slightly red , and he had dark circles under them. He was looking nervous, as his gaze never darted to meet her. They were both standing on the threshold for about a couple of minutes, none of them daring to say a word. Laura sighed , opened the door wider for him to enter and turned to go back inside her apartment,

She sat on the couch and looked ahead of her waiting for him to say something. Colton just stood not knowing where to begin.

"I'm sorry" he said. It was the first thing that came to his mind. Upon hearing his apologize Laura scoffed seriously that was all what he could come up with.

"I'm glad to hear that you're sorry after how many days?" she asked ironically.

"I wasn't in a good shape to speak with you". Laura didn't say anything. She kept staring at him, not knowing how to respond to him.

"Say something" he pleaded.

"I don't know what to say, you didn't talk to me for over a week, I looked for you. I knew that you were not feeling well. I tried to be there for you, but you disappeared. You could've at least answered my calls , and you're here telling me that you're sorry. As if your apology will fix things" Laura said in one breath." Who is Britney?" she added.

Colton took a deep breath, and sat on the sofa next to her, she slightly shifted her position so they won't be touching, and Colton winced at her act.

It took him a couple of minutes to muster his courage and answer her "Britney was my fiancé".

He felt her tense and didn't dare to look at her face.

"What happened?" she asked softly.

"Britney was a beautiful girl. I met her in college. She was the first girl I ever loved. We were inseparable, me, her, and James" He answered. Laura turned her head quickly and looked at him. Was he talking about the same James? She thought "James was my best friend since high school, we went to college together. At first he didn't like Britney, saying that she was just playing me because I was quite famous at college but I didn't believe him. She was good at acting, and manipulating others especially me .she was always urging me to go to parties so others can see her with me. I loved her a lot. I was planning on marrying her. we've been together for four years. After graduating I proposed to her. I saw the uncertainty in her eyes, but in the end she accepted. That look of uncertainty she had when I propose to her never left my mind, I thought that I was rushing things, after my proposal, she started making excuses so we don't meet and talk about the wedding, I planned it alone. she never had the time for that and I understood that because she was just fresh out of college and she just started her career" he scoffed , Laura peered at him and found him shaking his head "I was so in love with her, that I didn't notice her getting closer to James, spending more time with him. I was happy that finally my best friend and fiancée were getting along". He paused for a moment and stood from the sofa and headed towards the window. His back was to her and from his stance she could tell that he was tense. "It was the day before the wedding when I discovered that she was cheating on me with James. I got a call from James asking me to come to his place. Britney was supposed to have a bachelorette party, so me not wanting to stay alone on the last day of my celibacy I accepted." Colton took a deep breath and continued still not meeting her eyes. "When I arrived to his place the door was open, so I went in and to my surprise I found Britney straddling James and she was making fun of me. She was talking about how it was easy for her to make me fall to her charms. How silly and stupid I was for thinking that she wanted to get married to me. James was the first one to notice me and the bastard smirked at me, then Britney turned and saw me. She was shocked to see me there. I wasn't able to say anything. It was so hard to me to accept what was in front of me. So I just left."

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