chapter 7

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Colton and Laura were walking hand in hand, both lost in their own thought. A sudden thought crossed her mind and she tugged on his hand to make Colton stop.

"I remember the day we first met in my office. You were nice and then after we shook hands you changed. What was that?" she asked, he was opening and closing his eyes not knowing how to answer her.

"I don't know what you are talking about" he replied without looking at her, and she knew that he was lying

"C'mon Colton tell me" she urged him. After a couple of seconds of debating whether he should tell her or not. He eventually decided to be honest with her. He didn't want to answer her and make a fool of himself, he said to himself, but her soft eyes made him change his mind

"When I shook your hand, I felt something I've never felt before .it was like electricity shot through my hand. I instantly knew that I was attracted to you " looking at her squarely in her eyes, he raised his hand and stroked her cheek

"I felt it too" she leaned her head more into his hand. The air grew intense between them. They were in their bubble, not caring about anything, he started leaning towards her. she licked her lips in anticipation and closed her eyes. She felt his breath near her lips, but instead of kissing her on the lips he kissed her on the head, she instantly opened her eyes and looked at him with questioning eyes

"Why do you always kiss me on my head on not on my lips?" she sounded exasperated but she didn't care, she wanted him to kiss her.

"I don't want to rush you. I feel like you're not ready for me to kiss you yet" he smiled gently at her still stroking her cheeks. His face was still next to her, her eyes drifted to his lips, and not able to resist the temptation anymore. She rose on her tip toes and kissed him .it was a sweet and simple kiss, which lasted long enough for them to be out of breath by the end of it. His arms were snaked around her, and she was running her hand through his hair.

"So this means that you're going on another date with me" his voice was hoarse as he chuckled. She leaned her head back and laughed. It was like a melody for Colton's ears.

"Yeah I agree. It turns out that you're not a bad date" she teased him. Her eyes were twinkling of amusement. He smiled at her and kissed her another time.

They arrived to her apartment, he walked her to her door and opened it ,she got out of the car, and stood in front of him

"Thank you for today, it was fun" .She smiled brightly at him, Colton looked adoringly at her. He couldn't believe that he get to spend time with such a beautiful soul. He leaned his head against hers

"Yeah me too I enjoyed tonight, umm Laura will you be my girlfriend? "He whispered the last part, as if he was afraid to scare her, his eyes were closed, and due to that he missed the grin that played on her face as she heard him

"Yeah, my pleasure" That was all it took him to pull her face and kiss her. This time it was more passionate, she put her hand against his chest and felt his heart beating fast and she was happy that she could affect him that much. Sensing that the kiss must lead to something more, she pushed him gently away from her. They were both breathing hard.

"People usually kiss just once on the first date" Laura chuckled. She didn't mind it though

"Well it took me only two weeks to ask you out, so we're not like other people" he replied with a smile. "I better go" he kissed her head this time, and waited for her until she entered her building, then he drove away.

Laura entered her apartment, stripped from her clothes and took a long soothing bath. She sent a quick text to Cassie letting her know about how the day went. She instantly replied to her stating that she will visit her tomorrow to catch up even though they just met.

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