Chapter One

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Argh the entrance exams for UA.
The school where the number one hero graduated. The hero named all might know as the symbol of peace.

I had met him once a long time ago. But that's a story for another day.

As I walk into the school and find my seat I see a guy with messy green hair muttering. Cute.

_Time skip_

As I stand outside the gate the doors open and I rush in. The aim was to kill as many robots as possible.

As I rush in everyone continues to run forward I to the city meaning there wouldn't leave many for me so I take a turn and go to the right side away from the others.

As soon as I do I run into one pointer and two three-pointers.

I use my air to push me up into the air and do a right hook with my earth making rocks fly at the machine.

Only 7 points so far.

I continue to run and fight. Destroying
They left to right and centre.

After one minute I have collected a total of 26 points. Not as well as I would like.

All of a sudden the 0 pointers finally showed its ugly robot face. No one told us it was going to be giant.

A couple of boys where running holding a friend who seemed to be injured. Damn now I got to save their sorry asses.

I run forward using my air to create speed. I then use my water to slightly bring them closer to me. I then us my earth to create vines that grown up into the inside of the machine ripping it apart from the inside. It then falls forward and I use the same vines to hold it there while we all get out of the way.

The buzzer went off and then it hit me. I only had 26 points while others have 40 or more.

I just risked the chance of getting into UA to save these people. Great.

I walk out of the arena and start on my journey back to my apartment.

I take out my phone and Bluetooth headphones and place them one while playing songs.

As I watch the sun slowing beginning to set I see the same green-haired boy I saw earlier today. Huh. We must live around the same area.

I continue to walk the same way as him. Wow, now I feel like a stalker.

I see him look back and when he sees my emotionless face he quickens his pace a bit putting more distance between us.

Kind of rude but funny. Oh well. I look down at my phone.

The time was 4:58.

Shit! I'm late for work!

I start running and the kid looks back fear coming over his features. He starting running as well. Damn now I look like a massive freak not that I care at all. I continue to run and the apartments come into view he also turns in.

I past him and look at his face relief and confusion slowing cross across his face. He slows down as I run into my apartment leaving him outside. Finally home.

I turn on the lights and place my keys on the kitchen table while I go to the bedroom and change into my work uniform.

I work at a gas station because that's the only place I could get a job because the owners once knew my parents. They are the closest thing I have to family.

The only problem with this job only pays enough for me to pay rent, pay the bills and buy food.

The only reason I can go to UA is because when my parents died they already had money put away for me for school. They always thought about me and put me first. Something I missed about them being gone, I wish they were here. A small smile crosses my face as I think about the past times I would help mum with dinner and times dad would pull funny faces at me and swing me into the air.

I really did miss them. Ever since their death I never felt the same.

As I walk out of my apartment I walked straight into the boy from earlier. He blushes a deep red before apologising.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't see you there,"
He says while smiling and holding out a hand for me.

This is the first time anyone has spoken to me other than the owners and other customers.

"it's fine I guess," I say as I grab his hand and he helps me up.

"I wanted to say sorry for running from you earlier, I didn't realise you live here as well," he rubs the back of his head nervously while giving off a small chuckle.

"it's all good I would expect the same reaction for anybody so thanks but I have to leave for work," I then step past him and continue on my way.

That was so rude of me but I really have to go. I hope I will be able to talk to him later. He probably hates me now though. I mean I would hate me too.

_???'s view_

Her eyes were so dull. I wonder what happened?

Even though they had no shine they were the most precious things I have ever seen.

She will be mine.

Background information about the characters

You are not emotionless you just don't show them that much.

Your employer's names are
Emio ymoya and jinix ymoya

They paid for an online course you did for school because you didn't want to go to an actual school with kids because whenever they saw you they called you a freak and always ran.

When you where six you didn't have a quick but then on your 8th birthday you inherited your dads.

Your mum was also a late bloomer so that was the reason you were too.

The reason the villains came after your dad was because he wasn't a hero so they thought they could sway him to their side but when he didn't they killed your mum. She didn't have a very useful quirk so they didn't need her. She had a quirk that could change her eye colour.

They then found out you were quickless as well and were going to kill you too but your dad told them not to and to take his life instead.

So they did then left.
Leaving you to live life alone.

You want to become a hero so you can help people that can't help themselves. You want to save people just like you did that day.

OK, well that's it. The rest you will find out as you read on.

love me (Yandere Midoriya X Reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora