Chapter Thirty Seven

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We where all walking trying to get back to the rest of my class. They had no idea what was going on and why we were here but I was too afraid to tell them. I wanted to take bakugou with us but at the same time, I wanted to leave him here and go with them.

I think they all thought that I was trying to get away from the villains because they were all around me in a circle like shape on edge. But even so, they have no idea what is going on and they are protecting me.

Bakugou was by my right side,
Todoroki to my left,
Tokoyamia behind, and Shoji in front.

Even so, with them, I don't feel safe enough that I could actually go with them. Besides I'm just putting them all in danger right now. What's worse is I feel like someone is watching us but I can't see them. No matter how hard I look there is nothing.

Up ahead, I see someone else. Actually, nevermind there is three. It's toga, o-chan and Tsui.

Oh boy.

"y/n! What are you doing with those lossers." she called out to me. The boys were getting angry and took a step closer to me and took a protective stance.

"y/n!" I heard tsui call out

I gave them all a smile and stepped out of the circle walking up to her and giving her a hug.

"y/n what are you doing! She's dangerous. Step away and let us handle this." todoroki called out walking forward with his fire lit and frost particles falling from his right side.

"oh boo! I'm not dangerous with her! She's my bestie!" she then grabbed onto me with her knife out in front of her and a stray look in her eyes. "And if anyone try's to take her they are dead. Words from are amazing izuku!"

I see them flinch from the words.

I can here explosions in the background and a ear piecing scream.

"like hell are we letting you take her! And she doesn't belong to stupid deku! She's a person not an object!" he screams at her while charging. I'm taken aback by his words and my eyes soften but I can't fight against izu. I love him.

An explosion let's out and dust goes everywhere. I see toga get out a jar with what looks like blood in it and drinks it. I soon realised what she had done as I am staring in a mirror.

"well I would like to see you try and work out which is now." she yelled out before the dust settled down she grabbed my hand and we both ran.

"y/n!" bakugou yelled in the background and you could hear the explosions coming full steam ahead.

Pretty soon he get in front of use and grabbed us both. Determination on his face. He turned to me and grabbed me by the waist with his right arm and let of an explosion with his left right in togas face.

"ouchyyyy. Izuku they took our precious y/nnnn! Can we hurt him pleaseeeee!" she yelled out into the trees. Realisation hit me. Of course he wouldn't let me go like that.

A figure walks out from the forest and it's easy for everyone to see who it is.

" well sadly we need him undamaged but if he puts up a fight we might be able to." he walked over to toga and stood next to her and looked at me with bakugou. "well isn't that a sight. Y/n get here now." I try to get out of bakugou's grip but he tightens it.

"like hell she's going with you!" I feel like I need to curl up into a ball and die. Bakugou then looks into my eyes and has a sad expression. "I know why you came her. You don't need to hide it you know." he then started walking over to them. "shes not going back with you without me!"

"yayyyyyyyyy" midoriya says sarcastically. "we needed you anyway so let go of MY girl and get your ass walking before I get toga to stab you right now."

He let's me go and I run to izuku because I don't know what he will do otherwise. He hugs me and whispered in my ear.

"you got to take a shower when we get home. I hate that smell on you." I know he was talking about bakugou and how he was holding me. Izuku grabs my hand and we start walking. Toga grabbed my other hand and bakugou walked in front. The others in the back did nothing as they saw us walk away. They where to shocked and scared to move.

I'm never getting out. But that isn't always a bad thing.

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