Chapter Thirty One

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I start running to the train station while using my wind to speed me up. I have to get there soon other wise who knows what will happen.

Suddenly I get a message on my phone. That doesn't matter right now because the only thing that's on my mind is getting to the station.

I continued running until I finally get to the station and to my luck there is a train stationed at the moment calling out its last call. It will have to make a couple stops before hosu city but that's ok. I quickly buy a ticket and race onto the train before finding a seat by myself.

I pull out my phone and check who it's from. Momo. She said that Uwabami is wondering where I am and wants me back right away.

I sigh as I put my phone away not confident enough to reply back to her yet. I can't go back until I know izuku is safe. He would do the same thing for me and he is always doing his best to try and keep me safe so I have to do the same for him.

I have been on train for half an hour now at the station before hosu. They are waiting for conformation of if it is safe to stop or not. The talk is that they will pass the station and keep going but there are people on the train begging for it to stop so they can see there loved one. I am also one of them.

The train starts moving with everyone on board. The anoncment speckers come on.

"attention everyone this train will not be stopping at hosu city tonight I repeat not be stopping at hosu city due to the conditions of the area. The train will continue on track pass the city and on to the next station. It will continue on track from there. I repeat the train wi-" I voned out not listening anymore he had to say.

It would of been easier if they did stop but just because they arnt doesn't mean it's going to stop me from getting off at hosu city tonight. No way am I going to be put out of this. I need to help midoriya if it's the last thing I do!

The train is picking up more speed by the second and in about 5 minutes we will pass hosu. I have worked out what I am going to do, I just need to time it right.

I can see hosu city coming up from the distance so I race to the back cart making sure not to push anyone over.
When I reach it I pull open the doors with all my strength and wait. I have to time this perfectly.

I see a clearing and I close my eyes and jump out of the train. I use wind to slow me down and use earth to make the grass grow even more so it's soft to the touch. I land with a bit of a bump but that's ok. I get up and start running into the city where the flames are hot just to look at them.

It felt like my skin was on fire. It takes me back to when I got my powers and they rushed into my bloodstream. I though I would die that day.

I push through the pain and make my way into a part where there where people. Hero's doing first aid and mothers trying to calm there crying children even though there faces held shear shock and fear.

I get a buzz on my phone and look at it. It's a message from midoriya. Why is he messaging me? And when was I in a group chat with him and todoroki? Wait why is it his location...

I'm so confused but whatever now I know where to go though so I'm not complaining.

Ill just ask him about it when I get there. I look around to see if I'm needed anywhere but soon start running after working out there are enough hero's to take care of them.

Every few minutes I look at my phone making sure I'm heading the right way.

After running for about 5 minutes I get to where it was telling me and I see him.

But he's not the only one there.
Someone is on top of Iida
The hero killer... Stain.

love me (Yandere Midoriya X Reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora