Part 5.

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 'Did you bump into some super model today?' After observing Jenna for sometime, that was my first guess. I was on a treadmill next to her and her speed was more than usual. Jenna worked in the marketing department of a lingerie brand. She often had run ins with the models and when that happened, she tried eating healthy and exercising regularly but that never really lasted for more than a couple of days. Not that she needed it. She maintained a pretty healthy lifestyle. She ate healthy since I cooked most of our meals and usually she accompanied me to the gym.

'No. I was just thinking about something else,' she said looking ahead far into the greenery extending beyond the glass enclosure in front of us.

'Do you have a date?'


'Then what is it?' There was something on her mind and I was trying to figure it out. 

'It's you,' she said looking at me.

'What did I do?' I tried to think of things I had done or said that may have upset her.

'All this time, I never realised that I needed to thank Aiden for all the meals that you cook.'

'Really? You are thinking about that?' I said looking at her suspiciously.

'You two are perfect for each other. He, crazy about maintaining healthy habits and you, all about eradicating hunger and poverty from the world. I bet there are no two perfect crazies like you.'

'We "were" perfect, as in past tense and not "are", as in present tense. You are talking as if it is happening now.'

'I never would have placed you into the jealous category.' She ignored my comment.

'Neither would I. But mistakes happen sometimes.'

'Mark my words, love makes you do things you did not think you would,' she said nodding her head as she pointed a finger at me.

'Yeah, maybe.' I saw a tiny crooked smile crack her face at the fact that I had accepted that love can make you go bonkers.

There was a silence for a few minutes so I spoke up 'What are you thinking? Is it just the story on your mind?'

'It is not just some story, it is your story... So yes. I was also wondering what caused such an incredibly, abnormally normal story of two absolutely adorable, chill people to end?'

'See this is how true stories start and end, absolutely normal, not like the way they show in the movies claiming that love will last a century. That's just ridiculous. Everyone is so immature at that age and then there are decisions about your future....'

'If you continue writing your story and finish it, I swear, I will never make you watch such movies, ever again.'

'Wow! I think you just inspired me to write.' I laughed as I slowed down my speed and wiped a drop of sweat off my forehead.

Emma put aside the incident, never mentioning it to Aiden, as she thought, one incident did not change the fact that he was the nicest person she could have as a boyfriend. He was sweet, kind and considerate. They spent most of their free time together. They even tried studying together but after a few sessions, Emma put an end to it as it did not go as planned. There was less of study and more of distraction. Other than Chloe and Sarah, all his friends were her friends. She was fond of Oliver and whenever Aiden was not around, she spent time with him.

'Do you guys ever fight?' someone asked them one day and Aiden replied 'Have you met Emma? She is Switzerland.'

Someone had to say it and jinx it....

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