Part 32

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'Liam and I broke up and as we were parting he asked me if I had feelings for Aiden and I said yes. Now... I feel...deceived,' Those were the first words and the last words that I managed to get out of my mouth for the next couple of hours. Jenna hugged me until I was sure my sleeves would not be needed for wiping away my tears. She sat beside me silently, busy on her phone- most likely web- sparring with Nick, while I sat hugging a pillow.

The day when Aiden and Liam met and I walked out on them, I realised that although Liam loved me and I cared for him too, we were making compromises to be with each other. As he himself commented that he gave up a lot to be with me. So for this relationship to work, either one or both of us were trying to make it work. Relationships are not easy but they should not be so tough that they take everything you have. Once I realised this I knew I had to end it with Liam. He would make some girl very happy and he deserved happiness with the right person. I was just dragging him down. Liam had probably expected it or maybe even wanted to do the same as when we met, the result was a talk without drama. There were no tears, no broken hearts but yes I did bid goodbye with a heavy heart as the relationship was ending. He had been a part of my life not once but twice and it did hurt. As we hugged and said our goodbyes he asked me if I had feelings for Aiden and I nodded. I was not sure I was going to act on it but I couldn't deny having feelings for him.

The night passed and so did the next day and a day after that. I carried on as if nothing had happened but internally this is how is my days actually passed mostly consisting of pain and anger.

Day 1: I wish I could reverse time and not write about Aiden. Well, if I could reverse time then I wish I had never met him in High school in the first place. No that is just my anger speaking and not me.

Day 2: Did I fall for fake Aiden or the real Aiden? Which part of it all was true?

Day 3: Stomach in knots at his every thought. When will this pain go away?

Day 4: When will all the thoughts go away? Maybe writing another story will take my mind off of him. Wait....what am I thinking?

While I had him in my thoughts, I did not want to talk about him and Jenna understood that. I did not see Nick hanging around the house all these days as probably Jenna had banned him from being near me. He was literally our third roommate in recent times and I was so thankful to have Jenna who could ban even her boyfriend just to make it a little easier for me.

And then came Day 5. I got a call from the reception as I was working at my desk, informing me that someone was waiting for me in the lobby. Not expecting anyone, I rode down the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, a thought crossed my mind that may be the person waiting for me is Aiden. I did not get out of the elevator and instead I rode back up. But what if it's not Aiden, I wondered just as the elevator reached my floor. I nervously cracked my knuckles. People got out, people got in and once more I rode down looking up at the passing floors, with my arms crossed across my chest. Back down again, I did not have the courage to get out so I rode back up. Before reaching my floor I thought I could take a peek from around the corner and hence I decided to ride back down. Back down, this time I slowly walked out and peeped from around the corner. The lobby was not crowded. There were about 5 people in all and there was Nick, sitting on a leather chair, his one elbow on the hand rest and his chin resting on that hand, deep in thought. I gave out a sigh of relief slowly walked over to him. 'Hi!'

'Hi, how are you?' he asked standing up and giving me a hug.

I simply pursed my lips and nodded.

He motioned me to sit down beside him.

'What are you doing here Nick? You could have just called.' I said sitting at the edge of the seat, ready to bolt.

'You know what I'm here for and you probably wouldn't have answered my calls.'

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