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Don't judge yourself by your past,
You don't live there anymore.


Ryan Falls

Apparently, Crystal loves to drive. And since I love seeing her smile, I suggest we go driving.


Who the hell cares?

Sometimes, she goes to class. She doesn't seem very interested in the course she's taking but she goes anyway, returning soon and telling me it was a waste of time when I ask her how it's going. With exams approaching, she seems even more aloof, avoiding studying even when I tell her she should probably open a book. She would much rather just live.

Probably because she hasn't been herself in a long time.

With Skillet blaring in the silence between us and our terrible voices causing distress to the dead Alaskan people around, we zoom through the city. The weather is warmer now, but clouds hang low, causing the wind to grow colder as evening approaches.

As Crystal drives, I take in the sights around us. In LA, the world was always alive, people hurrying this way and that, laughing, chatting, running. There was life there, and though the smiles were fake sometimes, everyone cared about looking the best. In Alaska, who you are or where you come from doesn't matter. You can be anyone, and nobody would question your choices.

By the time we get back to my house, Crystal is smiling and her cheeks flushed. Her hair is a mess from the wind rushing through them, and she attempts to sleek them back. They only become fizzier, giving her the look of someone who just got out of bed.

I unlock the door and open it, flicking the lights on and turning back to look at Crystal.

"Don't laugh at me," she says to me when she catches me smiling at her. "You Mr. I'm-so-good-looking-without-even-trying, " she grumbles as she passes me by and enters.

"You think I'm good-looking?" I pick up, closing the door of my house behind us.

She looks back at me, suddenly appearing awkward. "Well ..." she hesitates, giving me a once-over. "You are."

Her answer is unexpected, but I'd be lying if I say I don't love it. Trying not to smile -- and failing -- I step closer to her, reaching up to touch her fizzy hair. Her eyes stare back at me.

"And you are beautiful," I say.

Crystal blinks, and I have half a mind to just kiss her silly. Oh, who am I kidding? I have a full mind to kiss her.

Apparently, fate has other things in store.

The doorbell rings, and I sigh, giving Crystal a 'what-am-I-going-to-do' look before walking over to the door. As I pull it open, Olivia comes barging in through the open door.

"I've been calling you all day, where the hell have you --"

Her rambling stops suddenly when she sees Crystal standing in the middle of my room, fizzy-haired and pale-faced, a ghost who just wants to sneak through the wall and never be seen again. As for Olivia, she stares at Crystal for a long time, blinking only when I clear my throat.

"Olivia, this is Crystal," I introduce her, keeping my voice as even as possible. "Crystal, my sister."

Crystal makes no attempt to react to my words, and I can't help but roll my eyes at her unwarranted fear. The only way to face her fear, then, is to see that it's unwarranted in the first place. Maybe Olivia's sudden arrival can help.

"So ..." Olivia begins. "You're the friend Ryan was talking about?"

"Yeah, she is," I speak for Crystal, wanting to save her the trauma. "Turns out she lives next door. She's been amazing, helping me out while I could barely move."

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