4. A cup of hope or just coffee

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I woke up to an empty house late Friday morning. My parents were out and my sister, Rosie, was at school for the day. She had stayed at Daniel's, her boyfriend, since my first night back and I couldn't help but feel she was avoiding me.

Max sent a text as I got home last night, asking if I had left yet. As usual, he apologised and asked if he could make it up to me somehow, but I never answered. Instead, as soon as I was awake enough, I slipped on my trainers and went for a run in the hopes I could burn my negative energy.

My eyes stung as I let the weight of my emotions pull my shoulders down. My own family didn't want to spend time with me. How could I expect Max to? I replayed his words at the lake: I didn't realise you thought we were that serious. I felt so stupid. There was no way I imagined our relationship.

I rubbed at my eyes and sped up.

My body close to exhaustion, I returned home for an ice-cold shower and food; lots and lots of food. Showered and in a loose playsuit, I sat at our kitchen table with a mix of snacks and a good book.

I lost track of time, engrossed in a murder mystery, and barely heard the front door open and my sister call out. "Is anybody home?"

I scrapped my chair on the tiled floor, rushing to her. She looked so small and pale next to Daniel, who towered over her. She was petite and fair whereas Daniel was tall with dark brown hair and near-black eyes. His skin was a soft caramel colour. Even their personalities should have clashed, but they somehow worked. They were the definition of opposites attract.

"Rosie, finally! I missed you! Crazy I know!" I launched myself at her, hugging her tight.

Rosie kept her arms at her sides, not returning my embrace. The awkwardness made me release her.

"Natasha." She nodded. "How long are you staying?" Her smile hardly reaching her ice-blue eyes.

I looked over at Daniel, who gave me a sheepish smile.

"Erm-, I'm not sure. Might even stay. No plans yet."

"Well, maybe you should let Mum know. So she can be more prepared next time you leave." Her voice, cold, held a hint of disdain.

"Are you upset with me?" We were never close, but even I thought she might have missed me with our time apart. How naïve of me. My cheeks prickled with an unwelcome heat and I wanted to run to my room. The whole trip home was a disaster.

"Not upset. Just a bit bored. Sorry if I'm not overly enthusiastic with your return. Not all of us make decisions on a whim with zero consideration for others, then expect us to jump for joy because they came back."

My vision blurred as I gawked at my sister, her words not fulling registering.

Luckily, I didn't need to answer as Daniel cut in.

"That's enough Rosie. She's your only sister. Just be happy she's back." Daniel leant over and gave me a quick one-handed hug and pat on the back. "Great to see you again, Nat. Andy told me he saw you last night. Wouldn't stop going on about it. I think he might have a little soft spot for you," he teased and gave me a subtle wink.

"Nice to see you too," I mumbled, the prickling in my cheeks moving to my neck and chest.

I wished he hadn't told me that. Embarrassment coiled around me.

"Don't tell her that," my sister discreetly hissed at him, but I caught her words before she grabbed his arm and disappeared into her room.

That evening I had dinner with my parents once they got home. My sister never joined us, having decided that she was going to spend the entire weekend at Daniel's.

Heart to Hart ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ