10. Curveballs

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I lay on my bed early Saturday morning, staring at my ceiling. My stomach churned and my head ached as I thought of my kiss with Max. He never called and as usual it only left me with broken promises and longing. I hated myself for the repetitive pain I put myself through. Scraping my nails through my hair, I let out a loud sigh and turned to my phone.

I had two months left of the summer holidays, and possibly three months of Alec being home. If I considered staying in the area, I should probably start making amends with my sister; or at least have her speak to me again. If my home life was to get better, I was safer starting with her.

And I couldn't keep ignoring Alec because my messed up feelings were getting in the way of our friendship.

Refusing to let myself wallow in self-pity, I texted Alec asking if we could meet up somewhere.

Over breakfast, he answered, asking if I wanted to watch him play football with his old team and sent the weekly match location.

I begged my mother for her car. Luckily, she relinquished her beloved VW Beetle if I promised to be home in time for a family dinner, which included Rosie and Daniel. She was fed up with my sister skipping every home meal since my return.

Singing at the top of my lungs as the car radio blasted The Wombats, I drove down the all too familiar country roads to one of the neighbouring villages where the game was being held. Taking a large breath in, I slowly felt all my negative thoughts from the past couple of weeks leave my body. The air around me smelt like freedom.

Freedom unfortunately also smelt like cow manure. Oh, the perks of living in the countryside. I hurried to shut the windows, hoping I wasn't trapping the foul odour in with me.

The gravel crunched as I steered the baby blue Beetle into a free spot in the parking area. Alec stood to the side, away from his teammates.

I sat in my car, clutching on to the steering wheel, and gave myself a pep talk. I could do this. A friendship of over fourteen years didn't change because I suddenly realised my best friend was probably the hottest guy around.

"Keep your hormones in check. You were kissing Max only two days ago," I muttered to myself.

Speaking of Max, there he was on the field alongside Andy and a few of their other friends.

A tap on the window startled me, and my car door was pulled open. "What are you doing? Are you going to get out of the car or just sit there gawking at all these fit boys? They look better up close. Come on, Wilson!"

"Always a pleasure, Hope. I've only just got here. Give me a minute."

"Tosh! You were staring at Alec's arse where no one would catch you. I don't blame you. That's a fine looking backside," Hope sighed while biting her lip, glancing over at Alec.

Panic set in. Was I that transparent? I locked my car and flicked her gently. "Stop eye humping all these poor boys," I half-laughed.

She didn't even like football, but you could count on the fact you would always catch her at all their matches when she was in the area.

Hope strolled back over to her car. Abigail leant against it, talking to Finn who I hadn't even noticed when I first arrived.

Turning towards Alec, I made my way up to him. His gaze fixed on the other players, he rested his forearms on the white metal railing that bordered the edge of the pitch.

"Hey, Alec," I spoke softly, placing my hand on his back to warn him of my presence.

"Nattie! I was wondering when you'd get here." Alec drew me up to him in a side hug and placed a faint kiss to my temple.

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