22. Hot chocolate moments

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Sarah Hart stood over a pan of warming milk while she stirred cubes of real chocolate into it until they melted. I would have settled for a spoonful of powdered cocoa in a mug of water straight from the kettle, but Sarah loved to do everything the right way.

Noticing I was shivering, she wrapped a wool blanket around me and sat me down at the breakfast bar.

I watched her shiny brown hair sway against her shoulders as the spoon circled the pan. Alec's mum embodied a calm and loving mother, which only made my heart ache even more after the fallout with mine.

She placed two mugs in front of me and took a seat by my side. Wrapping my hands around the closest one, I focused on the steam as it danced out of the hot chocolate.

"So start from the beginning. What did your father say?" Sarah said before taking a sip from her cup.

I went over the events of the afternoon and explained how my dad had been before today. The argument wasn't even mine to have, but in defending my mother, my father saw fit to hurl his abusive words my way. Despite my mum's lack of support or backbone against my dad, I didn't regret coming to her defence. Even in hindsight, I would do it over and over again.

"I don't understand what parent would say those things to their own child and as for your mother. Well, no comment. You don't even have to ask to stay here. Of course, make yourself at home. You've always been part of the family. Would you like to stay in with Alec or shall I set up the spare room for you?" She studied my slumped posture, her eye contact soft, then rubbed my forearm as she glanced away.

"Spare room, please. I don't think Alec is happy with me right now," I mumbled as I chewed on my fingernails.

"Ah, that explains a lot. Let's get that room ready then, and I'll run you a bath to warm you up. You're still shaking." Sarah put her now emptied mug into the sink and disappeared out of the kitchen.

I downed the rest of my lukewarm hot chocolate and followed after her. The water was already running into the bathtub as I walked past the bathroom. I hovered in the doorway and watched Alec's mum place a couple of towels on the bed, draw the curtains and turn on the bedside lamp.

The low lighting cast a yellow glow over the muted greys of the decor. The double bed looked so inviting with the plush bedding and all its scatter cushions. It was hard to believe the room was only used for guests as it held just as much of a homely feeling as the rest of the house.

"The bedding is fresh on this morning. If you don't have enough clothes, I'm sure Chloe wouldn't mind lending you some of hers. Just ask for anything. That bath should be ready. I'll turn the water off and leave you to it." She gave my arm a friendly squeeze and stepped out into the hallway.

I popped my rucksack onto the bed and emptied out the few items I had packed in a rush. I folded the clothes and dropped them on the chest of drawers along with some of my make-up.

I grabbed a pair of leggings, a top and some clean underwear, plugged my phone into its charger and made my way to the bathroom, so I could soak my tired bones.

Slowly lowering my body into the warm water, I slid down under the bubbles, submerged my head and lay there with only my eyes, nose and mouth above the surface. Drops of water dripped rhythmically from the tap, and soon my vision blurred as I stared at them and tears filled my eyes. I tried to stifle my sobs by covering my mouth with my fist as muffled voices echoed through from the hallway.

A loud bang on the door jerked me to sit up.

"Nat!" Bang, bang, bang, "Nat, can you play with me?" Lily shouted through.

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