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Jessica's POV
I head downstairs with my fingers in my hair. It's 8 in the morning which means breakfast time so that's amazing. I started putting my hair into a bun as I make my way to the kitchen. I startled as I saw Jeremy shirtless in my kitchen eating cereal. How can he go around shirtless?

"Oh,Jessica. Good morning." He smile at me happily showing his teeth which made my heart melted. I slowly enter the kitchen and stand in front of him who's sitting on the stool. "Why are you going around like that?"

He chuckled at my words before replying. "Why are you going around like that?" He scanned my body up and down as he drink his orange juice. I hug my body which made him chuckle. I glare at him while he just look at me happily. Is he always this happy? "Whatever. Make sure your eyes don't cross the line,Mr Hutchins."

I rolled my eyes before started pouring some cereal into a bowl followed by milk. "You too,Mrs Hutchi-Miss Stan." I stopped pouring my milk for a second cuz I thought I heard him saying Mrs. What? Nevermind,I must be crazy. I sit across him with my bowl of cereal and started eating.

"So,tell me about yourself. We're housemates after all." I tucked some strands of hair behind my ear as I look at him while chewing. He's still smiling brightly,wow. "Well then,housemate. I supposed I should say this right now since we're talking." He nodded for me to continue.

I cleared my throat before looking at him seriously. "If you want to bring a girl home,make sure she leaves right after. I don't care if she's sleepy or not,make sure she leaves or I kick you out of the house." His eyes widen at my statement and I just look at him seriously. I mean,I don't want to see the girl he's sleeping with the next morning using my shampoo.

"Wow,okay. I didn't think you'd be that open about this but uh..okay." He started drinking his orange juice again and I can't help but chuckle at his shocked expression. He look at me confusingly which is so cute. "Why are you chuckling right now?" He started chuckling as well which made me chuckle even more.

"I'm sorry but your expression was so adorable." He stopped chuckling and ended it with a shy smile. Aww..he's the cutest. Our happy moment suddenly got ruined by the doorbell sound. I got off the stool and he followed behind me as I head towards the door. I opened the door and I could feel Jeremy's presence behind me standing there.

The door opened revealing all the 3 boys who look literally so good. Jaeden's expression changed though. Is he really not into how I look? Wait,I'm wearing a baggy shirt and a booty short. Fuck,fuck,fuck. "J-Jeremy,what's going on? Aren't you Clary's best friend?"

I bite my bottom lip as my cheeks started heating up. I know exactly what they're thinking. I mean come on,Jeremy shirtless and me wearing a baggy shirt? It definitely looks like we slept together,ohmygod. "She's my housemate at the time being,guys." Jeremy explained and the boys went 'oh...' together.

This looks wrong and I'm feeling nothing but uncomfortable. I gather up my courage and invite them in. They walked in as Jeremy lead them to the living room. I head to the kitchen with some serious red cheeks to get some drinks for them. I take out a few cans of Coke for them cuz it's impolite if I don't serve them drinks.

I startled as I feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I turned around to see who it is and it's Jeremy with his beautiful smile. I removed his hands as I glare at him. "What is this? Keep your hands to yourself,Jeremy. Why did you do that anyway?"

"No reason. I just feel like it,did that make your heart race like crazy?" I look at him in shocked. How did he know those words? Did Clary tell him about how I feel? "No,you think you're that special?" I rolled my eyes while he's giggling in front of me. Honestly,there's not a single gap between our bodies which of course made my heart race like crazy.

"Whatever but you're not allowed to hug my waist like that,okay?" He chuckled at my serious expression. He's sure as hell is always happy. Even when I'm being serious,ohmygod. Jeremy stopped chuckling as someone suddenly speak up which made the both of us look at him. "I wonder where did our innocent little Jeremy who doesn't touch girls go."

With that being said,Jaeden left the kitchen and of course me and Jeremy are there speechless. I pushed Jeremy away as I turned back to what I was doing. I hand a few cans of Coke to him while I'm holding some as well before heading to the living room. We pass the drinks around which made the boys smile happily and I was about to leave until Anthony asked out of nowhere.

"Did you guys sleep together last night or something?" Boys are really straightforward which kinda stressed me out. Literally. Me and Jeremy look at each other as the boys point at the both of us. I started blushing and I can tell Jeremy is as well. "No,no. We didn't and this shirt is not even his,it's mine."

The boys started laughing except for Jaeden as I finished my sentence. Awkward. I can't with this atmosphere. I turned around awkwardly and started running to my room once they're out of sight. That was so awkward,ohmygod.


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