𝕸𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖞 𝕾𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖘

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||Chapter 14: Messy Sheets||

Eros pushed me around in the wheelchair-which honestly I did not mind-and began opening doors and closing them. "Are you sure you know where you are going?" I asked impatiently as I twirled my hair and leaned back. Eros glared down at my relaxed pose and violently shoved the wheelchair sending me straight towards the wall. The paintings on the wall shifted a little and I winced when one fell on me. I kicked back with my feet and turned around towards him. "Is that how you treat a queen?"

"Only because you fucked the king of hell does not mean you are a queen?" Eros argued crossing his arms and looking around the hallway. I rolled my eyes so far back my head that I could see my brain.

"I was born a queen, bitch," I simply responded getting up from the wheelchair and pushing it towards him. "You seem a little stressed? Would you like to switch roles?" Eros glanced at the wheelchair and then at me. He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but then threw himself on the wheelchair. He crossed his legs and took out a floral designed hand fan from his salmon-pink robe -yes he was wearing a robe now- and began fanning himself. His face twisted in discomfort as I pushed him around.

"It is so hard being me," he ranted. "Like do you know how stressful it is to be me?"

"Oh, I can imagine."

"Do you know how many people I see falling in love? Like thousands a day! But I don't mind!"


"Now when these ungrateful brats pray to me - Ugh! I feel like cutting their throats."

"Oh okay," I said surprised at the sudden violence.

"'Oh Eros I love my husband but can you maybe send me one that is rich'," Eros imitated in a girly voice. "Or 'Eros she is truly great but she's flat as a table. Between us men, we know that just isn't going to work.'" I made an ugly face.

"Who even say these things?" I asked. Eros changed his position and threw his leg over the arm of the wheelchair. He leaned his head back and shoot his eyes closed in annoyance.

"Oh, Sweety! You have no idea!" He yelled. "What about me? Huh? I want to be loved! I want to love someone! For Zeus's' sake! I want to get fucked!"

"Oh! Alright dear," I said stopping the wheelchair and massaging his shoulders. "Why don't we go find you, someone, then? Tonight!" Eros opened his eyes and stared at me shocked.


"Let's find someone for you to sleep with. Now you want a human or a god?" I asked quite seriously. Eros looked at me with pure shock. His mouth was wide open like a fish out of water. After a few seconds of information loading into his brain, he shrugged.

"I prefer a human guy," he said with pursed lips.

"It's settled then. We will go out tonight to a club and get you some guys."

"Wait. What about Hades?"

"What about him?"

Eros stared up at me like I was the dumbest person on the whole entire Earth...I probably was though. "Babe... First of all, he hates me so I don't see him anywhere near allowing this," Eros swished his index finger between me and him, "happening. Secondly, you are going to meet guys. Guys! He will kill you?"

"Firstly, 'allowing' does not exist. I am my own person and old enough to make decisions-"

"That's not what those hickyes on your neck say. He literally marked you," Eros mumbled interrupting me, which of course I ignored.

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