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|| Chapter 20: Hera||

"Do you trust her?" The boy whispered as the maid placed their plates on the circular table next to the fireplace. She did not dare to look at the boy in his eyes, but once his attention was brought towards his lover, her piercing ones would burn his skin. 

"No," the man said, kissing the boy's forehead. "But I trust her fear." 

The maid straightened her back, throwing her shoulders back and her head forward. Her eyes lingered on the carpet as she waited for his commands, like a trained pup. 

"Thank you, Melissa," The man said tilting his head impatiently. "You may go now."

Once the maid had closed the door of the room and her light steps were lost on the wooden floors, the boy got out of bed, untangling his legs from the covers. His fingers interlocked themselves behind his back and he raised himself on the tips of his toes. His eyes gazed at the hot food on the plates. He looked at his lover who had a grin on his lips as he adjusted himself on his elbows. "Aren't you coming?" The boy asked. 

The man nodded to the table. "Bring me some." 

The boy rushed to the table, taking a piece of egg and sticking in his mouth before gripping onto the golden platter. He made his way back towards the bed and sat next to his lover. "Here," he said stabbing a piece of the egg with the fork. He brought the fork up to his lover's mouth. "Ah," he imitated with his mouth making his lover chuckle. Following the boy's order, the man opened his mouth and took the egg. 

He smiled up at his loving boy. "Delicious." 

"Of course, we have to start by finding the perfect place for the event!" Aphrodite said as she bit down her pencil. Isabella squinted her eyes at the state of her bedroom; open wedding magazines, a binder of different fabrics and colors, pictures of exotic locations, and ripped and crumpled papers on the floor. 

"Oh, I just don't know what to do!" Aphrodite looked over at Isabella and signed. "What's with the face love?"

"This face?" Isabella asked. "This face is the face of a girl that is fucked." 

"What is it now?" Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Another fight? Why are you so difficult?"

"Ouch," Isabella placed her hand on her heart. "But that's not it," she sat down on her bed next to Aphrodite. "I just realized how this marriage has become so...real." 

Aphrodite took Isabella's hand in hers. "Excited?"

"No. Scared." 

Aphrodite gave her a sympathetic smile. "Yea, this isn't working," she confessed. "Let's call the export. 

Isabella's eyes fluttered up at the Goddess before her; her peach skin, her ocean-eyes, and her pointy nose complemented each other. Her touches were soft and her feet grazed the floor. It was as if the wind could sweep her up.

"This is a mess!" She exclaimed at Aphrodite, but her voice was soft. Her eyes scanned the open binders. "This is so...human!"

Aphrodite stood up straight in her seat and gave her a death glare. "Hera, this is a human wedding."

Hera's eyes landed on Isabella and she nodded. "I apologize," she said. "This is going to be your day. You tell us what you want."

Isabella looked up at the two Goddessess before her. Her eyes gapped and she shook her head. "No. All I want it to be magical. Just make it magical."

Hera's lips curved up in a smile and she looked at Aprohdite who crossed her legs and leaned back. "Alright," she decided to turn to Isabella. "I'm sure Hera can deal with magic." The three women smiled at each other in agreement.

The door creaked open and the three of them twisted their heads to see the bodies that walked in.

"Isabella," Zeus greeted with that mischievous smile of his. "Am I crashing the wedding planning party?"

"No," Isabella responded, poison dripping from her words. "You're crashing my fucking peace. So do me a favor and go to the kitchen and bring me the sharpest knife."

Zeus tilted his head to the side and knitted his brows. "What for?"

"So I can slit your throat open."

The room fell silent and Zeus cleared his throat uncomfortably. "No wonder you're my brother's wife."

Zeus's eyes traveled around the room to see the other familiar faces. Hera's eyes were secretly planted on his tanned skin, but her mouth was rooted close. Zeus's greeting eyes finally feel on hers and both of them could say, they were strangely bewitched by each other.

Isabella's attention that had never left Zeus's side, was finally gone when his brother walked in. Hades looked down at Isabella and at the scattered mess on the floor. He quickly looked away, not wanting to ruin the planning.

"Brother," his whispers were threatening, "I thought I was clear to where we were supposed to meet."

Zeus's mischievous smile was back and he responded to his brother, "Oh Hades-"

Sarcasm, Isabella thought as she watched Zeus put his arm around her husband's shoulder. The husband felt his wife's piercing glare and his eyes fell upon her.

Relax, princess. He spoke only to her ears, He is here on business.

"You're palace is like a maze! I tend to get lost in it once in a while," Zeus's voice could not cut through their private conversation.

What business? Isabella was concerned. Whatever business they had, it could not be good.

You have more things to worry about. Isabella's eyes followed him to the mess on the floor.

"Hades?" Zeus called out, bringing his brother's attention back to his. "Did you hear a word I said?"

Hades's facial expression was stiff. "I don't care about your excuses, brother. But you are making my wife uncomfortable."

Zeus scoffed. "Her uncomfortable? She told me she was going to slit my throat!"

"Stop being a pussy of a God," Hades barked at his brother. "We have a business, remember."

Zeus's mischievous smile was gone as well as his playfulness attitude. "Lead the way, brother."

Zeus gave a goodbye glance to the women in the room and shut the door behind him. 

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