Take Me Away

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Hades watched carefully as his future wife took her chance to explore his office; she picked up books and set them back down, uncapped and capped pens, smoothed out the leather of the seats, and squished herself behind him to get some of his paperwork. Isabella opened folders and closed them, scrutinizing the unknown letters of her husband's language. Occasionally, she would hum and nod or shake her head as if the pictures and graphs printed on the papers alone gave her enough information for her to pass judgment. 

Hades rested his head on his hand and pretended that he was focused on work, but instead, he would steal quick glances at Isabella. He found her child-like state of having the need to explore unfamiliar territory amusing and had to force a stern look to hide his real emotions. 

"Let's have a road trip," Isabella finally announced her idea. She had thought over this for several days. She was tired of seeing the same walls and the same faces (even though it wasn't of many people). She wanted fresh air - earthly air. She wanted to be surrounded by humans again; their loud voices and spirits. 

"A road trip?" Hades questioned focusing his attention on her. 

"Yeah. Like traveling for hours in a car and then stopping at odd destinations to take a look around." 

Hades arched a brow. "We can do that right now. Do you want to go somewhere different from Italy."

Isabella shook her head desperately. "No," she exclaimed going over to Hades's side where he leaned backward allowing her to swing her leg over his lap. She adjusted herself and brought her hands towards Hades's silky mane. Hades gave a low growl when he felt a pull on the strands of his hair. "I want us to get in a car, pick an endpoint, and start driving. No magic. No Gods. Just us." 

"What about the wedding?"

"Fuck the wedding."

Hades, who had his eyes closed, tightened his jaw and tried to control his eyes that were changing colors under his lids. Noticing her husband's tense muscles, Isabella corrected herself. "Not like really fuck it.  See this as a honeymoon before the wedding." 

Hades sighed and pulled Isabella's hands down to her lap. "If you want, I can tell them to leave you alone." 

"No! It's not that. Trust me," Isabella exclaimed. "It's just that I want to get to know you more."

"You know me," Hades stated confused. 

Isabella shook her head. "I know your Godly side, but not your human side."

"I don't have a human side." 

"Yes, you do."

Hades took a deep look into his wife's eyes. "Alright."

Isabella was beyond happy at that response and proceeded to snap her fingers. Hades looked up at her confused, and she snapped her fingers again. Disappointed that her husband didn't  understand her actions, she whispered, "When I snap my fingers again, we will be seated in a very fancy car." 

Hades held back his laughter but did not disobey Isabella. She waited three seconds before snapping her fingers again. As she had wished, their surroundings changed and Hades was sitting in front of a car's wheel and she was in the passenger seat. 

"Okay, now a map," Isabella mumbled. Before she could snap her fingers again, a vintage piece of paper fell on her lap. She frowned. "You didn't even wait." 

"We can just use the GPS," Hades said as a matter-of-fact, reaching towards the car's screen. Isabella slapped his hand away and shook her head. 

"Nope. We are going to do this the old fashioned way." Isabella took a look at the map, closed her eyes, and shoved her index finger over the map. "This is where we are going to start from." Hades looked over at where Isabella's finger had landed: Alaska. He already did not like where this was going. Isabella closed her eyes again and proceeded to do the same thing as before. "And this is where we are going to end at." New York. 

Isabella tapped Hades's shoulder and then the wheel. "Go on. Drive." Hades stared down at her waiting for her to explain her craziness. 

"Do you know how long it'll take for us to go from Alaska to New York?" 

"I may be smart," Isabella responded. "But I am not Albert Einstein." 

Hades scoffed. "I can see that." 

"Oh shut up," Isabella put her hair up in a bun. "How old are you?"

"None of your concern." 

"Old as fuck, I see," Isabella rolled her eyes. "A few days won't make a difference." Hades was about to respond back when he felt his phone vibrate - yes, he did have a phone.

He looked down at the unknown number and knitted his brows. "Hello?" He answered. Isabella watched as Hades hummed on the phone and rolled his eyes. "Here," he said giving the phone to her. "It's for you." 

Isabella took the phone with caution. She placed it against her ear. "Yes?"

"Bitch, I need your help," Eros said in a breathy voice as if he had run a mile. 

"Oh lord," Isabella held her breath. "Who are we going to kill."

"No. That's not it," Eros's voice was everything but joking-like. "Where does your ex-friend lives at?"

"Okay, first of all, grammar. Second, I can send you the address. But why?" The call went silent. Isabella looked down at the phone and arched her brow. 

"What did he want?" Hades asked. 

Isabella shook her head and smiled. She knew that Eros was up to no good and it was her job to keep whatever it was a secret. "My bra size." 

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