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Mishti was in the air.....she was flying, she was floating...she was dancing....well, in short she was doing everything a crazy person would do. She smacked her head with her hand earth to, Mishti!! She reminded herself, but she couldn't stop smiling. What had just happened? Did it really happen or had she dreamt it? She pinched her hand again, for the fifth time, and winced. Nope, it was NOT a dream, it had happened. He had kissed her, they had kissed!! she thought about his lips on her and blushed to the roots. She could still feel his taste on her lips, Mint and.....smoke? 

She didn't know he smoked, then again she didn't really know anything about him.......the thought bothered her, but she waived the idea, for now. One thing was certain now, he was attracted to her just as much as she was to him. She smiled as she remembered his internal conflict, he was even pulling himself back but she hadn't let go and he finally succumbed to his desire. She was yearning for him in that moment and he was too, she could see it in his eyes....yet he didn't give in easily and even after that he had said that he'd be going hell for this. He was an honourable man, she knew this much, no matter how much he says otherwise. This made her admire him even more.  She packed her bags and decided to talk to him about their....Thing......whatever this was between them. It was clear that they couldn't run from it was better to go with the flow.

She knocked his office door twice but didn't enter....last time she'd entered here without permission, and that hadn't gone well. So this time she waited outside, as Mishti Khanna never repeated her mistakes. "Come in" she heard his growl, he sounded pissed. Well, crap!  She entered his office and closed the door behind her, his head was bent and she saw that he was grading some papers. He didn't look up and she had no indication if he knew it was her. He wasn't making it easy for her!! She cleared her throat..... Still he didn't look up, Asshole!! Thought Mishti, then she smiled wickedly and said

"Do you have hearing aid? I know an ear specialist, if you do." He looked up and she batted her eye lashes at him innocently. He didn't buy her act and glared at her. 

"What do you want, Miss Khanna?" He acted all formal but Mishti was ready for this.

"You can call me Mishti, considering you kissed me not an hour ago, I'd think you have earned the right to address me by my name and I'd appreciate if you can cut the crap, I'm not buying it anyway, and it's getting tedious now" he looked shocked, he wasn't expecting this,  good, get used to it professor she thought, proud of herself for shocking the shocker.

"I....look, I'm....I take full responsibility of the misconduct. You're free to file a complaint, I deserve it, anyway." He finally finished, not meeting his eyes. She wanted to be angry at him, but somehow she couldn't, the pained expression on his face showed that he genuinely believed her to file a complaint against him. Why was he like that? 

"Can I have your phone?" She asked him


"Your phone, can I have it? Just for a minute, don't worry I'm not gonna run with it, I swear" she made a playful gesture with her hand to show her pinky promise that made his lips turn upward a little, did he just smiled? Not really, but it was as close to a smile as she had ever seen him doing. He took out his phone from his jacket and gave it to her. She saved her number in his phone and gave it back to him.

"What shall I do with it?" He asked looking amused

"Well, you could try calling me"

"Why would I want to do that? Can you give me one reason?"

" I'll give you four; one, I'm cute. Two, you like me, no matter what you say. Three, I've a good voice and four....I'm cute" she gave him her sweetest smile and he couldn't help the laugh that erupted from him. She cherished the sound of his laughter, his whole face changed and a little dimple appeared on his left cheek, why did he have to be so damn cute! She wanted to kiss him again. He left his chair, came in front of her and leaned his hips against his desk and held his hand out to her, she took it and went to him willingly. He brought her close to him, but didn't embrace her, instead he touched his forehead to her and whispered

"What are you doing to me? Why can't I get you out of my head? All day, all night, you're all I think about, dream about.... You're making me crazy" he fisted her hair in one hand and with other, held her waist and brought her closer to him, she felt the evidence of his arousal against her stomach and gasped. "You do this to me, Mishti. Do you feel that? That's how you effect me. Just by looking at you I lose it, I can't think straight when you're around. And when you talked to that asshole, I wanted to rip him apart! How dare he touch you!!" He increased the pressure of his hold on her hair and she winced but he didn't loosen his grip, instead he tilted her head up and started kissing her neck, licking a vein on the side of her neck, that was throbbing, he sucked that spot greedily and gently, so gently, mustn't scar, he bit her, she whimpered with pleasure and a tingling pain and tilted her head up to give him better access. He didn't disappoint her, making his way up he left a trail of open mouthed kisses on her neck and started kissing her jaw leisurely, taking his time at every sensitive spot. Finally he reached her lips and took them in a searing kiss, he devoured her mouth as if it was feast to him and he was dying of hunger, she kissed him with same fervour, bringing him as closer to her as it was possible for two humans to be. They only broke the kiss when it was necessary to inhale some oxygen. They touched their foreheads together, both panting.

"You shouldn't have come, Mishti. You shouldn't have come, you've woken up the beast and, now it can't be stopped" he breathed the words. "I was praying for you not to come, yet hoping that you would, wishing that you left me alone, yet dying for you to come to me" 

"I had to come, sir" she whispered back

"No, not sir, not here.....say it Mishti, say it"

"Ruhaan..." That's it, just his name. She breathed it and he died. "Again" he commanded and she obliged

"Ruhaan" she said again and this time looking into his eyes.....his eyes, that were not quite black, not quite grey.....twilight. They were the colour of twilight. His pupils dialated  and she could see them shinning. He was right, she had woken up the beast, but inside that beast was a man, an honourable, compassionate man who she had only glimpsed but was sure of his existence. He leaned in to kiss her again and she let him willingly.

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