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The entirety of next week was the weirdest. Jensen didn't leave Elias' side. They just had one class together, where Jensen made sure to sit next to the blonde boy. Apart from that, somehow as soon as the bell rang after every class, Jensen was always out waiting for Elias.

Jensen even offered to drive him home, but that was specifically reserved for Micah. During lunch, Jensen sat with Elias and his friends. Kat and Dom didn't seem too ecstatic about it, but Yvette was over the moon. Her flirting was getting painfully nauseating.

"Do you play soccer?" Jensen asked as he wrapped his arm around Elias' shoulder.

"What? Uh, no, not really. I mean I used to play with my friends, but I was never really good at it." Elias shrugged, wanting Jensen to take his arm off of him. Even though he wasn't one to feel uncomfortable with friendly touching, for some reason, he felt extremely strange.

"That's a bummer."

"Why? What happened?' Elias questioned.

"Nothing, we're just looking for new players. Do you play any sport?"

"Yeah, a few, but just with friends, I've never played competitively," Elias thought for a second, "Though I used to run track, loved it."

"Oh, do you wanna go for a run tonight? I know this great place." Jensen smirked, looking at Elias.

"Sure?" Elias seemed unsure.

"Awesome. I'll text you later." With that Jensen rushed and disappeared in the sea of students before Elias could even reply.

Elias didn't think much about it though, as he got busy with the everyday school crap.


After about six games of Uno, in which Elias won five, the two boys were done. More like Micah threatened to burn the cards if Elias whined about playing another match, but oh well, it's somewhat the same thing.

Once again, Elias and Micah were laying on the bed, facing one another. Micah focused on every little detail of Elias' face, as if trying to memorise it. The tiny freckles on his nose, the slight crook of his nose, his long lashes and their shadow on his cheekbones whenever he closed his eyes, and his oh so kissable pink lips.

He wanted to miss nothing when it came to Elias, Micah wanted to see his ears turn red after laughing at his own lame jokes, he wanted to see him trying to wink as he miserably failed and closed both his eyes instead of one, he wanted to hear him whine about how his favourite ice cream flavour is severely underrated, and he wanted to see his cheeks turn rosey whenever Micah said something flirty or got too close to him.

"What's this?" Elias asked as he took out a leather string that Micah was wearing around his neck from under his shirt.

"Oh, this? I found it lying outside my house a year ago, it had this charm or pendant, whatever you call it. It looked cool so I picked it up. Didn't look expensive either, wasn't real silver so I didn't turn it to the police but wore it instead."

"What was the pendant of?" Elias questioned.

"It was like this round thing with a crescent moon and a rose engraved on it." Micah said.

"That does sound cool. What happened to it?"

"Dunno, I was changing my clothes one day and realised it wasn't there. Like I said, it was cheap material so it probably broke and fell off while I was playing soccer or something."

"But you still wear the string? Without the pendant?" Elias asked.

"Yeah, I guess I got used to it." Micah said and Elias nodded. They both stayed quiet for a bit before Elias remembered something and started laughing like a maniac.

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