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Before this chapter starts, I just wanna say a thank you!
This book had 10k reads AND is #1 on #countryhumans (now it is #5 I believe? Still good though ssjsjskshsjsj)
Thank you all for sticking with this weird shit, now, enjoy!!


America had that weird feeling rush over his body again, as if he was floating
This time he opened his eyes, and he was faced with darkness
He whipped his head around, but couldn't find any sort of life
He heard someone talking to him, but it was in broken sentences


He was not able to connect one sentence
He stayed still, trying to listen in, while also trying to figure out who was talking

"Please, he can't end up like her"

"Sir, your wife has been here for a while, who knows how long your son will be here for, you are just lucky he got here before anything too terrible happened"


"O-of course it is bad, please calm down, we will try our best"

The man who was yelling let out a annoyed sigh, and then America heard quick steps out the door

"Sir wait-"

..And the room got quiet
He knew that was his father, but his accent was slightly harder to hear then normal
Wait..his mother was here?
why was she here? What happened??

Well, flash back time

America had just gotten home, but his siblings, nor mother and father were there
He sure as hell called out a few times, hoping for a response, but there was nothing
He just thought they were all out, because they didn't leave a note or anything
He walked into the living room, and saw France's knitting supplies on the ground, which also confused him
What the hell happened?
He just decided that he would ask when they all got back, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do some investigation of his own
He walked around the house, noticing some stuff was a bit messed up, with Britain would have never allowed
He went up to his parent's room and looked around there
That's when he noticed something
There was a white flower with a black stem, sitting on France's side of the bed
America has never seen a flower look like that before, and was about to walk out, but he felt as if the flower was calling to him or something, and he couldn't help but stare
It was as if something was in control of his body, cause he started to walk towards the flower
He yelled at himself to stop, but he didn't stop, lifting up his hand as he got closer to the flower
He just gave up, and let whatever was controlling him grab the flower
And he did
Nothing really happened, it was just a weird flower
America scoffed and walked towards the window with the flower, opening it and dropping the flower out the window, slamming the window shut
He walked away and out his parent's room

We back-

America sighed at the memory, he was so gonna yell at UK once he woke up out of..wait, when was he gonna wake up??
He quickly caught on and realized
He was gonna be stuck here for awhile


See, I pulled a sneaky on ya
Ok, that was the last time, I promise

Back with the brothers-

The two looked horrified at what Aussie had said, all of them looking at mom
Kiwi then broke down, falling on the ground and sobbing, Aussie was quick to comfort his younger brother, glancing at Canada, who was looking at his mother

"I-I knew it, something was wrong with America.."

The Canadian mumbled, kiwi finally speaking

"Why did we believe father?! Now America could die!"

He said pretty loudly
All three brothers were now pretty mad at their father now, all of them feeling stupid for believing their father
Canada planted a kiss on his mother's forehead, before walking out of the room with his two brothers to confront their father

Germany opened the door to the hospital, seeing the three brothers walk out of the room
He raised an eyebrow as he watched them approach the doctor and Britain, all three of them looked pretty pissed
While they were all distracted, Germany slipped into the American's room
Germany observed him, seeing that Mexico was right

"What are you doing here?"

A voice said, Germany turning around  towards it

"Am I not aloud to visit a friend?"

"Bullshit, I saw what you and Mexico did, you two are not that sneaky"

Germany sighed

"Russia, it is for research purposes-"

"I refuse to believe you, but I would rather not fight with you"

The Russian said, coming up next to Germany and looking at the American
They just stayed in silence, before Germany decided to ask

"Do you think he can hear us?"

"No clue"

Russia earned a sigh in response, along with a question

"Why are you here anyway? I thought you and America hated each other"

"Well, we don't hate each other, where did you come up with that?"

The russian sounded genuinally confused
The german opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it, not really coming up with anything to say
It was until both of them heard the door knob click, and the door open, hearing someone ask

"Why the hell are you two in here?"

The states will be introduced in the next chapter
I have no clue when the one shots will come out
I'm gonna start working on my new book tommorow
Thank u-

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