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Canada fell to his knees as he looked at the bed his brother once layed him
They were too late, no one even got to say goodbye to America
All of the countries that went into America's room were shocked
Germany showed the others the note, and Russia commented it looked pretty old, the writing, most likely made by a pen, was a little smudged
Aussie noticed there were slight footprints on the ground, combat boots
Since everyone was distracted, aussie followed the footsteps
The Australian ended up on the window seeing that is where to footprints ended
The window was almost closed, but it was slightly opened, so the person that was in here was wearing combat boots and most likely ran into the forest
Kiwi looked at Australia confused

"Aussie, what are you doing up there?"

"Footprints, they lead to here, someone escaped out the window, and America wasn't wearing combat boots, he always wears sneakers"

Aussie explained, now getting all of the countries attention

"Were there footsteps outside the room..?"

Canada asked, and Russia shook his head, pointing next to America's bed, where the footsteps had started
Everyone became confused, so the suspect just, came out of nowhere
They were all confused, but one thing was for sure
This 'suspect' was still in town, and every country was gonna have to keep an eye out


The Confederate was walking on the sidewalk, not totally visable as he was before at least
He managed to sneak in a small clothing store, claiming to be a newly found territory, and grabbed some clothes and snuck out, somehow, not caught? How stupid
He had to admit, the fashion today was weird
Since the Confederate wanted to stay..'hidden', he grabbed a random shirt, black hoodie, ripped jeans, but he kept his boots on, he liked his boots
But, he had to ask, what was up with the rips in the jeans?? I mean, come on, the point of clothes is so that your skin ISN'T showing, why would you purposefully put holes in your clothes
Enough of his ranting
He was just looking around the town, no one seemed to pay too much attention, though he did get a few glances from some countries he couldn't name, he actually didn't know anyone's name
He realized he had nowhere to go and sighed, walking past the hospital, when he noticed someone walking out
Well, not someone, a group of people
Lemme catch you up
The countries visiting America had decided to leave, wanting to go outside and investigate rather then just stay in the hospital, UK stayed with France until she was released from the hospital
Germany was the one to notice the man in black
His eyes immediately dragged down to the man's shoes, and he realized
Combat boots
The Confederate had already started running, and he was pretty fast
Germany quickly ran after the Confederate, yelling


all the countries were confused, but decided to follow
Yeah, confederacy was fast, but not as fast as the long legged Canada and Russia
The confederacy was caught pretty quickly and pinned to the ground by Russia, the others looming over
The unknown country started spewing out "let me go!" and "I've done nothing wrong"
The russian let go of the american, and the country in all black stood up and backed away
Germany looked pissed

"Why were you in America's room?!"

"I don't recall being in someone's room..?"

Sneaky bastard
All the countries took this chance to turn towards each other and talk
They were talking about whether they had just caught the wrong guy and this country was completely new and just happened to wear combat boots, or if he was just a liar
Germany looked up, and his eyes widened


Everyone looked up, hoping to see the man
Ah shit, the Confederate slipped away
The Russian and German immediately started arguing about how Russia let him go, and how Germany shouldn't ran in the first place
The other three looked around for any sight, but no use, he had slipped out of their grasp
All the countries agreed to keep an eye out, and they all split away to look for the man and interrogate him


"What idiots, what are they, blind?!"

The Confederate laughed
He managed to slip away from 5 strong countries, I'd count that as 0-1 so far, I mean, damn
The Confederate leaned against a tree and chuckled, oh, when they met again, he was so gonna bring that up
Well, if they ever caught him again
He doubted that will happen
Hey! At least he knows who to look for now
In the meantime, he was gonna have to somehow find his states and make them join him again, he needed a reason to be here, not just some random wanderer
He pushed himself off the tree and walked around, humming as he did so
After a while of walking, the sun just starting to set, he moved himself onto the sidewalk, knowing that the five countries would have gave up by now
Well, except one
This one was walking behind the Confederate
Confederacy was quick to notice, and he quickened his pace and cut a sharp corner, the strange man doing the same
The american groaned and turned around, yelling

"What do you want?!"

"Ooh, feisty, just wanted to say hi, maybe talk"

The country following behind said, and confederacy became confused
The unknown country sighed, and held out his hand for the Confederate to shake

"The name's China"

The Confederate gladly shook China's hand, opening his own mouth to speak, when he realized he didn't wanna give himself away

"I..don't really have a name"

"I'll just call you shortie"

Yeah, the Confederate shorter then China, but not by that much, just wait until he gets his states back
The Confederate scoffed at that, both of them dropping their hands back down to their side
China turned so he was facing the same way as Confederacy

"Now, let's talk, shall we?"

"We shall"


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