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Back upstairs, China sat on the couch, next to North Korea as Confederacy glared at them

"Are you fuckin joking, Korea?!"


"I need my southern states! Want me to spell it out for you!? S-O-U-T-H-E-R-N-"

"OK OK, SHUT UP! Hey! At least I got A STATE!! The more the better!!"

Confederacy was a on the verge of snapping North Korea's neck, too bad he didn't, am I right!?

"You little-"

"Calm down, he's not wrong, the more the better, less of a chance America will come back"

China inquired, which caused Confederacy to go dead pan
He thought for a little, before sighing

"Yeah, I guess you are right"

The two Asian countries breathed out a sigh, happy their heads were not gonna be teared off

"So, who do you need now?"

North Korea asked, standing up and walking over to China's kitchen, where he had left a little notebook
In the small notebook, he had wrote all the state's names on a page, keeping track of 50 states was pretty hard

"Well, now I need Virginia, Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and North and South Carolina. The rest of them are optional, but they would be greatly appreciated"

North Korea crossed out the names of Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, New York, and Teneessee, as all of them were in the basement
China just nodded

"North, where did you find New York?"

"On the sidewalk near Canada's house, he was going for a walk"

North said in response, looking up at China

"Why do you wanna know?"

China rolled his eyes at that, standing up

"I believe we should go to Canada's house next, then. We can check and see if he has states. If he has them, we grab them. Then Confederacy can merge with the ones we have and the ones we are about to get, which will make him stronger"

Hearing this made Confederacy smirk, the idea of him being stronger then he is now made him ecstatic. And with a world super power and a pretty strong country helping him? Boy, he felt unstoppable at that moment
The three had the same reactions, they were so gonna win this. Hell, the countries didn't even recognize Confederacy

"Alright, I think we have our plan set, let's get a move on now"

The other two nodded, and they all left, making sure to lock the door before getting in China's car, driving to Canada's place


Russia had arrived at UK and France's house, and he managed to talk to them for a little before him and UK phone's starting buzzing
France told them to check, and they did
Turns out, it was Canada texting the groupchat, telling them to come back to Russia's house
Wait..RUSSIA'S HOUSE? but he wasn't even home?!
UK looked at Russia when reading the message, and the Russian just shook his head, clear disappointment on his face
The three left the house and got in UK's car to drive to Russia's house
Anddd, that is where we are now
Russia, France, Britain, Canada, Aussie, and Kiwi were all standing in the living room with the rest of the states and Germany
Canada looked panicked, fiddling with his fingers as the countries that didn't know what was happening looked at him confused

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