Chapter 17

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Aurora POV

In the week that I've been with Xander, I don't think I've ever felt safer or happier. Xander spent most of his time with me, occasionally leaving for his alpha duties. I learned about his family and I opened up to him about mine. He made me laugh and smile more in the time I spent with him than I have this entire year.

My leg is nearly healed and I'm no longer in pain, something that seemed to calm Xander a bit. After this past week, I've learned that he is extremely possessive and protective of me. He told me that neither him nor his wolf could stand to see me in any sort of pain. I thought it was sweet that he wanted to protect me, ignoring what I knew though.

I would get him hurt because of it.

Pushing that thought away, I focused on thinking about Xander. I never really had the need for a relationship growing up, but I understand the importance of them through my parents. The love they had was never ending. I was beginning to see just how strong the mate bond was. I always seem to be drawn to Xander. The second he leaves the room, I feel emptier, and when he comes back, all I want to do is have him hold me in his arms.

It was an odd emotion to feel so attached to someone, but I don't think I would ever want to give it up. I doubt I could.

I give a light smile at the thoughts before I feel tingles explode around my waist as Xander holds me from behind, "What are you thinking about?" he asks, pressing a sweet kiss to my cheek.

"Just about how happy I am," I tell him honestly. I never seemed to even want to lie to him.

"I'm glad you're happy," he places another kiss on my cheek, "While you are in a good mood, I have to ask you something."

"Okay," I say as I turn in his arms to look into his eyes, my hands placed gently on his chest as he continues to hold my waist, "What is it?"

"Aurora, will you go on a date with me tonight?"

I raise my eyebrows at his question, "A date? Like a date-date?" confusion and a little bit of fear seep into my voice.

"Yes, a date-date," he nods his head and laughs lightly before giving me his award-winning smile.

I bite my lower lip slightly, "Then yes. I would love to go on a date with you."

"Great," he says before kissing me sweetly and pulls away to move around the kitchen island to grab a snack, "Then I will plan something for tonight."

"Perfect," I tell him, smiling as I change the subject, "Are you going to the pack house today?"

Looking over to the clock on the wall, he gives me a sad smile, "I actually have to leave now. Hayden told me Ivy was coming over, so you won't be alone."

"Yeah, I wanted to get to know her more," I say, thinking back to when I first met the blonde yesterday.

Hayden's mate, Ivy, was a meek creature. A little taller than me, she had long curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. When Hayden introduced her to me yesterday, she seemed completely shy and out of her element. She was nearly shaking when standing in the room with us.

But the entire interaction with her yesterday felt off. There was something about her that I couldn't place my finger on, and I wanted to know.

I'm hoping when we talk today, I can get her to open up a bit.

"She's not very talkative," Xander tells me as he continues to move around the kitchen to make himself a few sandwiches to take with him, "Besides for Hayden, I rarely see her talk to anyone."

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