Chapter 24

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Xander POV

We stood at the border as nearly forty or fifty witches emerged from the woods. They moved silently up to the edge of the border and stopped about an inch shy of crossing it as if they could sense it.

I stood before them with my pack warriors, not a single soul breaking the silence.

"Aren't they just a bunch of talkers?" Asher mumbled to me, not drawing his eyes away from the witches.

The line of witches broke apart, separating to reveal the woman I dreaded to see. Her blonde hair was wrapped in a neat business bun as her outfit comprised of a conservative black suit. She walked forward with determination, a small smirk resting on her lips.


"Alpha Xander," she smiled, "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"I don't think I can say the same," I reply, keeping my tone level and without emotion.

"Now there's no need to be rude. I'm here for the witch," she says, holding up her hand before I can talk, "and don't bother lying to me. I know she's in your pack."

"Aurora is not going anywhere with you," I growl.

"Do you remember what I promised you if I had found out one of the packs was hiding her from me?" she questions, her eyes dancing in amusement, "We will kill your pack if you don't give us the traitor."

I growl lowly as the wolves behind me tense, preparing for a fight. They all knew she wanted their Luna and they were willing to die to protect her. None of us would allow her to take Aurora.

"A fight it is then," Iris spoke as she raises her hand again.

"Enough," I heard the only voice I ever wanted to hear ring out.

Turning my head slightly, I could see Aurora and Hayden moving swiftly through the trees and towards us.

"Aurora, I told you to stay at the house," I growl lowly, just loud enough for her to hear me, as I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her next to me.

Before she could say a word, Iris spoke up, "Well if it isn't the girl I've been looking for," her voice sounding like venom as she lowered her arm back to her side.

I release a low growl from the back of my throat at her threatening tone.

"You have no right to be here," Aurora tells Iris. I'm proud of the confidence I can hear in her voice.

"No right?" Iris fakes shock as she looks among the witches she had brought with her, "I have every right. Our coven deserves justice for the crimes you are guilty of."

"And what exactly are my crimes?" Aurora snapped back, taking a step forward, "Stopping the destruction of our coven? Defending myself against a killer?"

"A killer? I think you are very mistaken my dear," Iris sneered, "You attacked our head warlock. You are the murderer here."

"Do you truly wish to act so blind?" Aurora asked, "Your husband killed coven girls. He killed my sister, and when I tried to stop him from harming anyone else, he tried to kill me too."

Some of the wolves around us growled at the idea of their luna being threatened. A few of the witches behind Iris started to talk quietly amongst themselves.

"Iris, is this true? an older woman asked. She was as tall as Iris. Her whitening hair was pulled back as she held herself confidently.

She stood to the right of Iris since Iris was leading this attack, but I could sense power coming off her in waves. Similar to what it felt like when in a room with another Alpha, I could feel this woman was actually the leader.

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