Chapter 23

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Aurora POV

"Aurora," I read out loud, "Iris just announced to the coven that she had found the traitor. I don't know if you're still in wolf territory or not, but you need to run. She's already contacted the council. She'll be there by the end of the week. Merry meet again, Amara."

I finish reading before I hand the letter to Xander and slump into the kitchen chair, the meal long forgotten.

"How does she even know where you are?" Xander questions.

I shrug my shoulders, not having a clue, "Does it matter?" I snap, "If Amara took the risk to send me this letter, then Iris is coming, and the pack is in danger because of me."

Moving in front of me, Xander crouched down and placed his palms to cup my face, "I told you before, I'm not going to let anything happen to you or the pack."

"Xander," I say, placing my hand over his, "I don't want you to risk everything for me."

"You are my everything," he says as he leans his forehead against mine.

"Xander," I whisper before pulling him closer to kiss him. The electric feeling that coursed through us was even stronger than before. I pulled back for a moment, my eyes still closed, "I don't want you to get hurt."

"The only way Iris can hurt me is if I lose you."


Throughout the next week, the only time Xander has left my side was to patrol the pack border for any sign of Iris. The entire pack has been on edge since I received Amara's note. The patrols on the border have doubled and I even set a few witch traps near each border to detect magic.

I feared that it still might not be enough. Although I know I can't protect everyone, I feel like I have to. When I tried to explain my reasoning to Xander, he told me it was my inner Luna.

After this last week, I was finally beginning to understand what it meant to be a Luna. It wasn't a job or just a responsibility, it was who I am.

After I was inducted into the pack a few days ago, Xander moved a desk into the pack house for me. He put it in his study, stating that 'he didn't want to be separated by even a wall'. I laughed when he told me that since the Luna's office was apparently right next door.

I think he just didn't want to clean that room.

When I wasn't with Xander, his sister Ellie was training me on how to be a proper Luna. She taught me pack politics and law as well as trained me in the alliances Xander had made since becoming Alpha.

Barely eighteen years old and Ellie was one of Xander's heads of pack relations. She was extremely beautiful and intelligent. I was surprised when she told me she wasn't mated yet, but she just smiled and told me that when the time was right, she would find her mate.

We had grown close over the last few days. She even started to call me beauty. She said it was because I reminded her of a princess, but I didn't quite realize what she meant until she made me watch the Disney movie.

Spending time with Ellie reminded me of my own little sister. I think Tara would have been a lot like her when she got older.

My thoughts drift to Iris and her plans. Iris was a genius and had been coven leader for decades. She wouldn't just be using our coven to attack. She would need an army, so that meant other witches.

Other witches meant involving the council, a gamble no witch would want to take.

She's willing to attack an entire pack of wolves and most likely start a war just to kill me, I think to myself.

As I try to justify her reasons, the only thought I have is that if I lose Xander, I would probably do a lot worse.

Focusing back on the paperwork in front of me, I reminded myself of something Ellie told me.

You can only solve what's in front of you. Don't focus on what you can't see.

Keeping those words in mind, I continue to look over some of the pack grievances that had been sitting on Xander's desk. Since I was Luna, I was to keep peace and harmony in the pack; therefore, people problems were my job.

A knock draws my attention to the door as Hayden pushes his head inside.

"Luna, can I talk to you for a second?" Hayden asks.

When I nod, he opens the door all the way and strolls in before he plops onto the chair across my desk.

"What's going on?"

"I hope you don't mind, but Xander had told Asher and me about what happened in your coven," he started, seeming a little nervous that I would be angry at this news.

"I know," I tell him, giving him a small smile, "At first, I was nervous about everyone knowing, but after opening up to Xander about my past, I know it doesn't define who I am. I defended myself."

Hayden smiles at my words, "I am happy that you have been able to accept your past, Luna," he tells me, "But, I must talk to you about your trial."


"I have been studying up on witch law and I was wondering if you could explain exactly what happened at your trial."

"Of course," I nod before I start to tell him everything. I started with what happened when I was first arrested to the judgment being passed.

"So you were found guilty of murder, right?"

"Yes," I nod, "My punishment was to be burned at the stake."

"How did you escape?"

"After they set the stake on fire, Iris didn't know the flames wouldn't hurt me. I was able to control the fire."

"But you were tied to a stake and essentially burned?" he says, standing up with a small amount of excitement in his voice.

"Without the actual burning, yes," I say, confused on where he's going with this.

"You were punished," he says, "In everything I've read, witch law doesn't say-"

His words are cut off as a loud siren blares through the house.

"What is that?" I say, standing up.

"The border alarm. The witches are here."

I move around my desk before making my way to the door with Hayden right on my heels.

Xander, I call out to him.

Stay at the pack house! He answers back, blocking me from saying anything else.


"No. We need to get to the border before-"

"Luna!" Hayden pulls my arm back, "Iris can't declare a war."

"What are you talking about?"

Hayden gives me a small smile before answering my question, "I'm talking about Witch law."

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