I'll help you I swear I will

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Gwains POV

"Alright first things first Percival go grab me the bucket of left over clean water we need to clean the wound first and foremost meanwhile Leon and Lancelot go find me meddle thread and a nedle from our medical supplies. Umm right and everyone else go bring me blankets and extra cloth for merlin's wound!" I listed off watching them all scatter scrambling to get the items as fast as possible.

"It's going to be okay Merlin I promise i won't let you be hurt again. I don't give a damn weather or not u have magic you are my friend who has always been there so all that matters to me is helping u right now. I already know u wouldn't hurt or betray any of us your way too loyal and selfless for that." I wispered to Merlin with a slight chuckle thinking of his fierce loyalty and good nsture.
I had to use my shoulder to brush away my tears. Soon enough Percival dropped down next to me handing me the water bucket and clothe. Quickly I got to work using my belt to slow the blood flow in his arm wet the cloth rung it out and pressed it against the cut then soon after was brought the needle and thread and started stitching up the wound as best as I could manage. It wasn't the best but it would close it up enough to stop Merlin from bleeding out. Once that was done I torn cloths into strips and tyied them around his wound.
After that the adrenaline rush slowed down and we began to prepare a bed for Merlin to sleep comfortably but still close to us. Eventually I remembered about Arthur and looked to see him leaning against a tree on the ground just blankly staring at Merlin.

Arthur's P.O.V.

When I came to I sat up feeling my busted lip with my eyes closed then everything can back to me in a rush. Bolting upright my eye's snapped open to take in the sight before me. All my knight were scrambling around back and forth between our camp and where ... Merlin layer on the grass. Seeing all the knights my friends my brother in arms pained horrified worried expressions made me think gods above what have I done. Gwain was right this is Merlin my best friend who has stuck with me no matter what even protected me risking his own life in the process only for what..... for me to severely injure and scar him after almost trying to kill him for something he had no choice in. How could this honestly be the way I payed him back for everything he has done for me and for Camelot. after all he has sacrificed and suffered in silence this is his reward?! Death by the hands of a loved and cared for friend. He would so willingly lay down his life for mine and yet even after everything we have been through together I would so cruelly rip his away out of petty feelings. What kind of friend-no what kind of man have i become that I could do that. All it took was to know he had magic and I lost it becoming exactly the kind of king I swore to protect my people from.

I hang my head in shame looking at the blood on my hands his blood on my hands. I stared in a daze watching the other's rush around and help Merlin knowing i have made a mistake I commited that is unforgivable. An unforgivable crime against someone so dear to me. I see Gwain looking at me, emtionlessly gestures for me to go him. Shaking I rise and walk over to him seeing the glint of rage in his eyes prepared in the knowledge that whatever happens I deserve it.

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