Please stay with me Athusa

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Im backguys see told you I'd writte more. Please comment and like and thank you so much to all you guys for your encouraging comments and immense support. It means so much to me a lot more than I can express. I'm sorry for the wait this whole covid-19 pandemic is really crazy. Anyway on with the story.

After killagara left Athusa seemed to be preparing to leave too after a sad longing glance at Merlin.

Merlins P.O.V
Once I couldn't see killagara in the distance anymore I tuned back to Athusa who was looking sad and seemed to be preparing to leave.
Instantly I said "no wait Athusa. Please don't go." She looked at me surprised so I continued "Don't go girl. I know you care about Morgana but it kills you to have to hurt people or watch them suffer I know you dont want to do that. Come with me Athusa I'm going to keep you with me I don't know what going to happen but I'm going to take care of you like I should've done to begin with. You and I can go home now. Do u want to come live with me Athusa? No matter what I promise that I will protect you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again." I said sincerely.

Athusa looked conflicted she opened her mouth and asked "I want to.... but I can't hurt Morgana. She has done so much for me. She has saved me even if she suffered for it. Yes recently she hasn't been herself but she still has a good heart."
Though I guess to everyone else all they heard were a series of low shrieks but my heart dropped slightly but I understood if I was in her position I'd probably do the same.

With a sad smile I gazed at Athusa and said "it's alright Athusa, believe it or not I understand. Can I at least request these 2 things first, that you continue to visit me sometimes and you give Morgana this letter when you get back to her. Don't worry it's not a threat or something like that actually it's a letter to her as the last dragon lord." I finished pulling a letter from my pocket.
Athusa looked at me surprised but gladly took it demonstrating her trust in me even after everything that has happened. I felt my heart swell in my chest at the gesture. I could feel others looking at me in shock or horror but pushed it to the back of my as I focused my attention on Athusa who seemed to be struck with how to carry the letter without damaging it.
Eventually she looked at me searching for an idea. I thought for a moment or two before an idea popped into my head. I snapped my fingers and drone reeds started intertwining to create a sack that could go right on her back just before hey neck. Tucking the letter In mixed with a couple of hard berries and nuts that dragons liked.
Than I sacured it and backed up so Athusa could unfold her mind a flap them with enough room to start flying.

With a smile she took off into the distance. I couldn't help but wonder how Morgana would respond to my letter.

Meanwhile with Morgona
(I bet you were wondering what the letter said.)

Morgana's P.O.V
I was just sitting in my current chamber at the ruins of a castle I'm living in reading over this book when I heard wings flapping. I turned around and look just in time to see a young white dragon land on my terrace which confused me extremely as I knew most dragons were extinct. But when she raised her head I was shocked I mean it was Athusa I'd never forget those eyes but she was so beautifull and looked so healthy completely healed.
A gasp escaped my mouth as tears came. My eyes strung as I tried to figure it out.... How ; how in the world was she all healed now. I had tried everything but nothing worked.
Slowly I moved towards her my hand outstretched. She tenderly nestled her head into my hand and I just threw myself forwards to give her a hugg.

After a while of that I realized we were both still sitting on the floor so I sat myself up ready to ask her all the questions I had.
However she just looked at me knowing what I was going to ask before I'd said it. She slightly lifted her head up higher to allow me to see the medium sized bag that was slung snuggly around her neck.
Curiously I inspected it. I know there was no threat to me as Athusa would never do that. We were far too closely bonded for her to ever hurt me in that way. So I gently allowed my fingers to slip it over her head. I was extremely carefully as a part of me was still scared it was just an illusion that would shatter leaving behind the poor pure magical dragon I cared so deeply for.
Shaking that thought off and away I opened the bag to find a letter amongst a variety of nuts and berries. Even more curious now I picked up the letter first. My gut was telling me I should still be careful so I looked it over for any signs of magical or nonnagical threats.
The parchment itself was ordinary enough nothing super expensive but still good quality. As that revealed not much I looked at my name that was smoothly written with care across the middle it wasn't any handwriting I recognized but was so written that it looked so fond. Continuing on from there I looked at the seal it was red wax with the shape of a dragon and a crown to seal it. My name was written in black ink with the words to and then my initials of M. OF./P. Which I assumed were Inecials written so let so it was reserved by it's intended person.
I ran my pale finger over it once more before breaking the seal cleanly with my practices ease. I opened and than unfolded the letter laying it in my lap after smoothening it out so I could clearly read it.

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