King of the Druids?!

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And wow another update so soon I'm proud of myself I hope people r liking the story so far. Please like and comment now on with the story.

Merlin's P.O.V
Watching Aithusa fade from my view I had a good feeling. I truly hope with Aithusa's help we could make Morganna see her wrong doing and become the incredible person I have always thought she underneath all that corruption. She was a natural leader yes but she had so much more to offer if she would just embrace her good heart. I'm really hoping it isn't too late, she didn't deserve to be buried in the darkness any more.
I Shake my head to snap myself out of my thoughts. Whatever happens he had to do what was right this time. I know the with Morganna I have made a lot of wrong decisions that have made things worse all because I was scared and didn't listen to my gut. Even when I thought there was no choice I should have found another way. But I didn't and will forever regret that as I shouldn't have let myself crack under pressure so easily. Morganna was just like I was before I came to Camelot. We were both just young, scared, naive, unsure and doubtful. We both wanted to make a difference and save innocent lives but we ended up on such vastly different paths. I know I can do better and I start now. If not for Morganna's sake then for the sake of Albion.

Turning back around to face the knights direction I readied myself for their possible reactions but was not prepared for the sight that actually greeted me. I'm shocked to find all the bowing druids. Upon them realizing I had finally noticed them they raise their heads but remain kneeling and say in unison, (out loud) "It is our honor to meet you, oh great Emrsy."

Now it might seem strange but I gave a sigh at their words. Don't get me wrong I really appreciated their support and belief in me. Plus I knew by now that even if Arthur didn't know about this, he will find out so there no point in denying it or trying to fake anything. I have long since known that one day Arthur would see how the druids treated me but i still don't know this will all end. Despite knowing him for as long as I have I can't begin to understand, how this would change his perception of me. He could very well think I'm a traitor, or worse be afraid of me or intimidated by me. He might never forgive me for keeping all this from him and that breaks me so much more than the vision of being dragged back to Camelot to be burned at the stake. All these and many more possibility has haunted my dreams for such a long time. At least now I can properly talk to the druids.

Speaking of who were still kneeling.

It may sound vain but I've become accustom to druid people or people who find out I'm Emrsy kneeling before me and while I'm still always uncomfortable with it I've learned to accept it. Similar to how I've accepted that I am Emrsy just as much as I am Merlin. They are just two aspects to myself.

Sadly as much as I've accepted myself, I still struggle with the weight. A weight on my shoulders that is only increased every time I've come into contact with them, because they see me as this almighty being who is beyond and above human nature. Which I just am not. I'm no saint, I can admit I've made a lot of mistakes. While to be fair it's true they have only seen me a few rare times. They only know that I'm supposed to be this great, wise all powerful warlock. They don't know how much I'm really just as perceptible to human nature as they are.
I have many flaws that they just don't know about. But they may soon and I wish I didn't have to let them down.
Realizing I've been standing her not saying anything for a while because I got caught up in my thoughts,
I'm indeed uncertain and unsure of what course of action to take. But I follow my gut and stand straight head held high and speaking in a firm, superior but kind voice i say "Rise. there is no reason for you to be bowing. I am no king. I've dismissed and not helped or properly protected many of yours and mine kin, those innocent people who were born with magic. They are my kin, magic chose them. Similar to how it chose me and yet I've turned my back on you." I say regretfully and lower my head in shame and guilt. I can feel the mixed look of shock, suspicion, confusion, realization, and awe coming from the knights but I keep my attention on the druids. This has to take precedence, at least for now. I've tried to ignore the issue right in front of me too much. I'll deal with that stuff after this.

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